Chapter Twelve

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Engfa couldn't wait for the weekend to come,she relaxed in the apartment since chompu was taking a nap, Charlotte went out with Aoom and Heidi and Priya had a meeting to go to.

Her phone rings from an unknown number she hesitated before answering "hello?"

"Eng ,why did no one tell me Tina was in jail?" It was Aiden .

"Aiden? Bro why are you calling me from an unknown number?"

"Nevermind that ,I just sent my lawyer Tina's case last night ,so she should be out in about 30 minute's" Engfa was about to question the man but then she remembered Aiden was friends with Charlotte's brother.

"Thank you aiden!"

"No need to thank me ,I'll be down this weekend for Zee's prank war party so I'll see you then" the two friends talk for a little while before hanging up.

Chompu walks into the living room wearing pajama shorts and a big t-shirt Engfa couldn't help but to gawk at the woman's beauty "hey where's char?" She asked before sitting next to Engfa.

"she's hanging out with Aoom and heidi" engfa has been staying with chompu and charlotte ,sleeping on the couch since the charity event ,priya begged her to stay at a hotel but she was the kind of person who liked being around other people.

the two women sat in silence,engfa wanted to say something but she had no clue on what she wanted to say "so priya,do you love her?" chompu boldly asked .

engfa was a bit suprise at the question,priya was amazing and the sex was great but did engfa actually love her? "she's different ,I love the way she's been making me feel but.... I don't think I love her" Engfa loved hanging out with priya but she didn't feel that spark.

"are you still in love with charlotte?" Engfa couldn't understand why chompu kept asking her questions.

"chompu,what's keeping you here?" Engfa wanted to change the subject and she's also been wondering why chompu was here.

chompu sighs and turns to look at Engfa "for you,my family didn't need help running the ski resort anymore and ever since i met you i couldn't stop thinking about you,i didn't have any expectations when i decided to come see you ,i just want to see your face"

Engfa could tell chompu was being sincere with her words,the woman looked beautiful,Engfa didnt even realize she had moved closer to chompu "i thought about you too,a lot actually"

Engfa's admission brought a soft smile to Chompu's face. "You did?" Her voice held a hint of hope and curiosity.

Engfa nodded, feeling a mixture of nervousness and honesty. "Yeah, especially after everything that's been going on, you've become a constant presence in my life."

Chompu reached out and gently placed her hand on Engfa's, their eyes meeting in a moment of unspoken understanding. "I'm glad I'm here, Eng. I've missed you."

Their quiet moment was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. Charlotte returned, accompanied by Aoom and Heidi, laughter and chatter echoing through the apartment.

Engfa and Chompu quickly withdrew, readjusting their positions as the others entered the room. The atmosphere shifted, filled with the buzz of conversation and plans for the upcoming prank war party.

Engfa found herself caught up in the excitement, but her thoughts lingered on the honest exchange she'd just had with Chompu.

Engfa and Meena arrive at the jail house waiting for their best friend to be released "free at last!" Tina yelled before rushing to hug her friends "does Heidi know that i got out?" Tina missed the woman and she wanted to say sorry for everything.

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