Chapter Eight

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Engfa walk into the apartment and toss the keys on the table "Charlotte ?" She called out ,she needed to explain herself.

Charlotte walks out of her room wiping her tears "what?" She felt betrayal from the one person she trusted.

"Look your brother told me to promise I wasn't going to tell ,what was I supposed to do?"

The room fell silent "for weeks I thought you were hurt that my brother truly hurt you but it was all a lie!" Charlotte yelled she was so upset.

"If you want to be mad at someone then be mad at your brother! He's the one that was in dangering your fucking life!" Engfa yelled back ,she was tired of being blamed for things out of her control.

The room fell silent again ,the two women just stared angrily at one another , Charlotte runs to Engfa and start to aggressively attack the woman's lips with her own, Engfa was stunned for a moment before kissing back.

Priya pulls up to the building and park her car ,her boss didn't sound to happy on the phone ,she buzz the building button and was let in "okay I'm here,what's the emergency?"

"When were you going to tell me that Engfa moved back in with her ?" The woman turns around and she was not happy ,Priya had one job to do and she wasn't doing it very well.

Priya sighs and sits on one of the chairs "I forgot ,she's only been there for two weeks though"

"Two weeks?! Priya I'm paying you to keep them apart ,not have them stay in the same roof,why didn't you let her stay with you ?" Lux asked ,she was very annoyed by Priya.

"Last time she stayed over she seen a picture of me behind your company building ,plus did you forget that I throw our private party's there?,I can't risk her running into you" Priya reminded the annoyed woman.

Lux let out a huge sigh "I forgot,I have another plan " she grabs something off her desk and walks closer to Priya "here,I want you and Engfa to go on a long vacation ,I don't care where" Priya takes the bag of money and look at how serious Lux was.

"You must really like that girl " Priya could tell.

"No I'm madly in love with her"

Heidi finally wakes up and realized she wasn't at her house "what's going on?" She asked as she looked around the unfamiliar room.

"Your at Freen's house" she turn to see Tina ,the woman wheels over to her with a plate of food "here you might want something to eat".

Heidi takes the plate and sits up on the couch "what time is it ?" She asked before taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Almost 2 in the morning,I heard Aiden wasn't ending the party until 5 " Tina answered.

"In the morning?"

"No actually in the evening,he wanted to go out with a bang " Tina was really hurt that she couldn't go.

"Sorry you couldn't go " Heidi felt bad ,she knew how much of a party animal Tina was.

"It's okay things happen ,so are you feeling any better?" The two have never felt this awkward before.

"I'm okay ,how about you?,how's your leg?"

"It's healing" the two ended up in a heavy silence.

The next morning....

Love, lust and confusion was what Engfa was feeling,what just happened? She thought she was over Charlotte for good ,she had Priya, Priya ! Oh no she had to tell priya what she did .

Engfa walks out of the room she shouldn't have slept in last night and walk into the kitchen ,a note was on the fridge from Charlotte ,she takes it off and reads it .

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