Chapter Five

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This whole chapter will be taken place four months ago.

four months ago pt6....

[08:08 AM] [To:Luxxie] SENT!
I can't wait for our date tomorrow;-)

       [08:09 AM] [Luxxie]
          As am I my love ^_^

That put a smile on Charlotte's face "char bear?" Charlotte quickly turned off her phone, engfa chuckled at her weird girlfriend "take it easy ms.jumpy , I just came here to get the rest of my clothes" Charlotte's brain went into complete panic mode.

"W-why ?" Her heart was pounding louder than her words that came out like a whisper.

"Me, T,Meen and nudee are going to be gone for a week, they're waiting in the living room,I thought I told you this?" Engfa starts to pack her clothes and Charlotte sigh in relief.

"Oh yeah,I must of completely forgot" Charlotte chuckled.

"Char you alright? You've been acting strange these last couple of days" engfa sounded truly concerned "if you're sick or something then I won't go"

"No,no go have fun with your friends" Charlotte assured before kissing the woman .

"A week without you is going to be difficult" engfa pouted like a little kid ,Charlotte smiles and rolls her eyes at her dork of a girlfriend.

"You're the dorkiest person I know"she said wrapping her arms around engfa. The two starts kissing, engfa gets on top of Charlotte,soon the room was nothing but echoing moans .

Meanwhile three individuals were pretending to throw up "well at least somebody got to have goodbye sex" Meena said making nudee and Tina chuckle.

"Speak for yourself me and Heidi did it all night long" Tina proudly exclaimed.

"Yeah me and pich stayed up all night reading and drinking hot chocolate,it was amazing" nudee happily said she look at her friends who just looked disappointed in her story shaking there heads.

"Anyways we're going to miss our reservation if we don't go get the lover girl" Meena said.

Tina walks to the englot door and starts to bang on it " look I understand you two love birds are going to miss each other but Eng we gotta go" .

Engfa kisses Charlotte one more time before getting up grabbing some clothes and running to go take a shower,Charlotte wraps herself in a robe and opens the door"she just went to go take a shower" she said before walking into the kitchen.

Meena walks into the kitchen "hey char can I use your phone? I can't find mine and Tina and nudee left there's in the car"

"Yeah it's in my room" Charlotte said without giving it any thought before she started cooking breakfast for everyone.

"Thanks" Meena walk pass Tina and nudee who were thumb wrestling ,she roll her eyes and goes into englot's room,she unlocks Charlotte's phone and was about to dial her phone number when a message popped up on the screen.

  [08:38 AM] [luxxie]
            I have the perfect day set up for us                    tomorrow,you will love it!

"Meen?" Meena jumps and drop charlotte's phone on the stand"I guess I'm scaring everyone today"engfa chuckles "why did you have Charlotte's phone?"

"She was letting me use it to find mine" engfa starts to laugh "what? What's funny?" Meena asked confused.

"We mailed your phone to the ski resort we're going to " Meena's eyes widened in fear.

"Eng please tell me you guys didn't" Meena felt her body getting weak.

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