Chapter Eleven

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Engfa stirs awake once she heard giggling from afar she stretches her arms and started to walk towards the giggles that were coming from the kitchen. Charlotte and chompu were tickling each other Engfa stood watching the scene wondering if she was dreaming.

Chompu notices Engfa and stops tickling Charlotte"morning, breakfast is almost ready" she smiled.

"Morning" chompu being friends with Charlotte completely slipped Engfa's mind, she sat down at the table and Charlotte put food Infront of her while chompu put a glass of milk Next to her , Engfa would be lying to herself If she didn't find the two women sexy in there night clothes and how they took care of her.

Breakfast was somewhat awkward not for Charlotte and Chompu but for Engfa. the two women completely forgot she was in the room and kept talking to one another like they were characters from gossip girl. "No way! I knew he was innocent!" They were now talking about a new TV show about cops while Engfa quietly observed them as she ate her food.

Engfa finally cleared her throat getting the attention from the two "uh, thanks for breakfast, but I should get going" Engfa could feel her body heat up every second she starred at the two, she stands up she needed to get out of there before she asked them both to get naked.

"Oh well it was nice seeing you again" even simple words were turning her on. Engfa quickly grabbed her shoes and put them on "are you coming to the charity event tonight?" Engfa turns to chompu and became tongue-tied her eyes were deceiving her, chompu was now standing there completely naked.

Charlotte walks out from the kitchen joining the conversation"Oh please come ,it's going to be so much fun and it's for a good cause" she was jumping up and down and she was also not wearing clothes,  Charlotte stops jumping and smiles at Engfa "don't you want to fuck us before you go?" If this was an anime then Engfa would probably have a nose bleed right about now.

"Y-yes, yes I absolutely do" Engfa felt like an animal in heat she had lustful eyes staring at the two naked women.

"Okay great I'll go get you the mop" Charlotte happily said, Engfa blinks a few times and shakes her head, the two women were now back to being fully clothed and Engfa was now confused on what she just agreed to.

Tina and Meena couldn't stop there laughter and Engfa was now planning there funerals "alright, alright it's not even that funny" her and Meena had came to visit Tina before they got ready for the charity event and she told them what happened to her this morning.

"Okay okay I'm done laughing, but did you possibly mistake 'don't you want to help us before you go?' that's pervy" Tina continued with her laughter along with Meena.

"Oh man I'm sorry Eng but it has got to suck" Meena wipes her tear away and calmed herself"why won't you just admit that you still have feelings for Charlotte and chompu" it was obvious even a blind man could see it.

"That's because I don't, it's just that I am really horny in the morning" her words came out as though she was trying to convince herself more than her best friends.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, now T what did your lawyer say?"

"Since I didn't kill Tor he could probably negotiate with the judge and get me a less sentence" Tina was still going to have to do some time in prison.

Engfa and Meena said there goodbyes to Tina and get inside Meena's car. "Eng can you help me set up for the charity event?".

"Sure what were you doing for it ?"

"I have a team of people helping me set up the toy booth for the kids"

"Okay great, what do you want me to do?"

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