0.1 red eyes, stumbling 'cross the road

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"How was the first night back?" Gavin, Addie's dad asked, as she came into the kitchen for breakfast. Addie sighed as she reached for her cereal from on top of the fridge.

"It's been fine I guess." She shrugged, grabbing a bowl and pouring the sugary cereal into it. At this exact moment, Addie couldn't be more grateful that her dad had moved a week earlier than she and her mom, so everything was already done other than the items in the car.

As she was reaching into the fridge for the milk, she noticed something important was missing.

"Dad, where is my cherry pepsi?" Addie asked, appalled at the fact her own father would forget the one drink she always asks for every time he went to the store.

Her dad chuckled, "Sorry bunny, they were out when I went. I can go look again after work today though."

"Dad, how am I supposed to get through my day with only water or juice as my source of hydration?!" She incredulously asked, making her father scoff. He pulled his wallet out from his back pocket and handed her a five dollar bill.

"Guess you'll have to walk to the gas station to get one to tie you over, bunny." He grinned at Addie, making her roll her eyes but she thanked him anyway. The childhood nickname making her softer than she was just a minute ago.

Sooner than later, he was saying goodbye to Addie before heading out for work. Her mom was already gone when she woke up, probably heading to the hospital to see if they would be interested in taking her back.

Addie sighed, before deciding to get ready so she could go out and get her cherry pepsi. It was a necessity at this point, she did not want the headache that would follow if she waited till 5 pm for her dad to get home from work.

She took a quick shower, and decided on wearing her favorite outfit just in case she ran into anyone that could possibly remember her. A simple black crop top with her favorite black cargo pants. She planned to wear her black zip up hoodie that had a butterfly on the back, since it was now late October, it was starting to finally get cold. Addie chose her black and white Nike dunks, finishing the outfit.

Addie applied minimal makeup, just brushing her eyebrows, adding false eye lashes and some lip gloss. Since her hair was wet, she picked out her black and red Boston beanie so her ears wouldn't get cold. Before she knew it, she was out the front door and stepping down the stairs when she heard a loud gasp from the house next door.

She frowned, expecting it to be one of them, but when she turned to look at whoever gasped, she was met with kind eyes. Mary Lou.

"Addie, is that you sweetpea?" The older woman asked from the edge of her own driveway. Addie was shocked she had remembered the nickname from all those years ago, and she couldn't bring herself to admit that she loved hearing it again. She was thrown off by how the woman could recognize her after being gone for over four years, and with how much she had changed within that time.

Mary Lou was basically her second mom growing up, with her actual mom being busy with nursing school all the time. She spent countless nights at the Sturniolo's when her dad was stuck at work and her mom stuck in class, but Mary Lou didn't mind one bit. She thought it was nice having another girl around for a change.

"Yeah it's me, Mrs. Sturniolo." Addie quietly replied, making her way over to the smiling woman.

Mary Lou laughed, "You know you can always call me Mary Lou honey, I've missed you!" She grinned at the teenager, bringing her into her arms for a hug.

Addie's throat started to burn, pushing back the tears was getting harder. She sought so much comfort from Mary Lou, and getting her famous bear bug is about to break her.

"Missed you too, ML." Addie replied after squeezing Mary Lou gently, laughing slightly. They pulled away from each other and Addie started to panic. Did Mary Lou know she basically ghosted her sons? Did they tell her that they hated her and thought she might be back?

"I've been meaning to come over, I assumed we just got new neighbors again. But now I can invite you and your parents over for dinner!" She happily exclaimed, making Addie's face drop. She hated disappointing people in general, but especially Mary Lou.

She put on a fake smile, "Yeah of course! I've uh, got to get going but it was nice seeing you." She quickly smiled at the woman before turning away, tears brimming her eyes already. She stumbled across the street, trying to get out of Mary Lou's sight as quickly as she could without looking like she was running away.

Addie loved Mary Lou dearly, and she couldn't help but feel even worse about her current situation. She was so horrible to her sons, that did nothing wrong but yet acts like only time had passed.

Addie enjoyed the walk to the gas station surprisingly. It was nice to get fresh air and feel the sun on her skin.
The trees were starting to change color, making the town even prettier than before. She approached the gas station, noticing there was quite a few teenagers going about their day, realizing they must be on fall break.

Addie sighed as she  pulled open the door to the gas station, immediately heading back to the fountain pop station. If they didn't have cherry pepsi she might honestly cry. Much to her relief, they had it. As she was putting her lid and straw in her drink, she heard the door open again.

Her heart raced as she quickly but carefully made her way to the cashier to check out. She set the drink on the counter so she could pull the money out of her pocket.

"There's no fucking shot that Adeline Manson is standing in front of me right now." A shocked voice caught her off guard, Addie's eyes shooting up to meet none other than Alahna's wide ones.

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