2.2 ooh-ah-ah

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Addie's alarm woke her up at 6:00 AM, and she couldn't help but already begin to regret agreeing to go back to school. She groaned as she finally got up, double checking her alarms were turned off to avoid getting scared in 8 minutes when it would go off again. Addie made her way to her bathroom, washing her face and teeth in hopes of waking herself up.

She applied foundation, powder, contour, highlight, false eyelashes, and decided on doing a matte red lipstick, to match her outfit. She brushed her brows and used a clear gel to set them in place. By the time she was finished with her makeup, it was already 6:53, you can't rush the process with Addie. She quickly ran a straightener through her hair, making sure there were no bumps before turning it off.

Addie walked back into her room, going to her closet to grab her outfit. A red skirt, with black see through tights underneath, black combat boots, and a red and black shirt. Addie was pulling on her favorite black jacket when she got a call from Matt.

"Hello?" She answered, stumbling as she was going down the stairs and putting her boots on at the same time.

"We're ready to go, are you?" He asked, getting straight to the point. Addie was surprised he even called instead of texted.

"Yeah, I'm on my way." Addie replied, grabbing her bag and keys. Matt hung up in response, making Addie laugh at his hatred of being on the phone. She left her house, trying to double check that she put everything she needed in her bag.

"What the fuck?!" A voice spoke, startling the girl as she was walking across the lawn to get to the Sturniolo's. She looked up to see Chris standing on the porch, with Nick and Alahna standing behind him, trying to get through. Matt was already in the car.

"You dyed your hair." Chris stated, approaching the girl and inspecting her hair.

Addie grinned, "You like it?" She asked, tilting her head a bit. Chris just looked at her, before grabbing her hand and dragging her around the car. He pulled her in for a kiss, placing a hand on her jaw. Addie got lost in the feeling, only coming out of it when Matt had rolled his window down and started yelling at them to get in the car.

Addie was giggling to herself as she climbed into the back seat, sitting next to Nick. Alahna was laying down in the back, resting her eyes. Matt instantly started reversing the second Chris' door was shut, causing him to freak out.

"Matt hold on!" Chris whined, trying to stuff his book bag by his feet and put his seat belt on at the same time. Matt rolled his eyes, and continued driving. He did not feel like putting up with Chris' shit this morning.

"Do you have your classes yet?" Chris asked Addie, she opened her mouth to respond but was caught off by Nick.

"She doesn't, you dummy fuck! We've all told you this at least a thousand fucking times." Nick glared at his brother, also not wanting to put up with Chris' shit. They are not morning people Addie noticed.

Chris gasped at Nick, "Is it bully Chris car today?" He asked, throwing his hands up in defeat.

"No," Matt chimed in, "It's bully the idiot car, and you just happen to be the idiot." Addie instantly suppressed her giggles, not wanting to also offend Chris. Nick was loudly laughing next to her, caught off guard when Chris leaned back and punched him in the chest.

Nick opened his mouth to go off on Chris for the pathetic hit, when Alahna suddenly sat up. "You guys are so fucking loud." She yelled, making Chris and Nick go silent. Matt and Addie made eye contact in the mirror, instantly sending them in silent giggles. The rest of the ride to school was quiet, Dominic Fike playing quietly over the speakers.

Matt parked the car, leaning back and sighing dramatically. "We'll take you to the office, so you can get your schedule." Matt told Addie, making her nod in agreement.

"I'm so nervous." Addie admitted, making Matt grin softly at her.

"Don't be, you've got us, and hopefully our mom comes through with getting you into our classes." He reassured the girl, silently manifesting she has the same classes as him. He gets anxious with school too, so having her by his side would help knowing she was feeling the same way.

"Bell rings in 10 minutes, we should go in." Nick sighed, opening his door with a groan. Addie followed suit, shutting the door behind her after seeing Alahna get out on Nick's side. Chris was at her side, holding a hand out to her. She smiled at Chris, taking hold of his hand and squeezing it.

"Let's get this shit over with."

A few minutes later, Addie has her schedule and locker number. Turns out Mary Lou did pull through for her, as she got 3 classes with Matt, 2 with Nick, and 1 with Alahna. They all had the same lunch hour as well. Chris was absolutely devastated at not having any classes with Addie, and was planning on talking to his mom about it.

"You've got your first period with me, let's go." Matt announced, nodding in the direction of the classroom. There was only two minutes left until the warning bell would go off.

Chris placed a quick kiss to Addie's cheek before he took off for his own class, and Addie turned to Matt when Chris disappeared around the corner.

"Let's get this hell over with."

Addie and Matt walked into their first class, being English. Addie nervously glanced around the room, barely recognizing the people she knew growing up. The desks were set up in pairs, and Addie couldn't be more thankful for the fact there wasn't a seating chart. Matt took a seat, looking for someone, as Addie sat down next to him.

"I'm so glad I get to sit with you." Addie murmured to Matt, looking down at her desk to avoid the questioning eyes of her peers around her.

"Yeah, Nate is gonna be pissed though." Matt laughed slightly, watching the door waiting for Nate to walk in.

Addie turned to Matt, "Who's Nate?" She asked.

"I'm Nate, and you're in my seat."

authors note .ᐟ
finally a new character that isn't from addie's past slay

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