2.0 ooh-ah-ah

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Everything was finally getting back to normal. Addie, Nick, and Alahna had begged and begged Claire to let Addie start in person school, and she finally gave in. The trio was currently in the mall, shopping for Addie's back to school fits.

"What about this?" Alahna asked, holding up a black long sleeve shirt, with a small white star in the middle. Addie tilted her head, thinking about it. She eventually nodded her head, as long as it was black and simple she would probably buy it.

"Addie, I love your style, I do. But, could you please throw some color in there?" Nick begged, holding up a red skirt, with a matching red and white striped shirt.

Alahna grinned, "That would look so good on you Ads!" She gushed, coming closer to the pair to admire the outfit.

"Fine, you're lucky I've been thinking about dying my hair red, can you like stay out of my head please?" Addie replied, grinning at her friends' shocked faces.

"You're dying your hair?!"

"That's going to be such a slay I can't wait."

They spent a few hours shopping, leaving the mall with 6 new outfits for Addie, with over half of them having red in them. Addie was proud of herself, she hadn't let color other than black and white in her wardrobe in years. Addie pulled into Sally's Beauty Supply, insisting that she can go in by herself since it would be quick.

She quickly gathered the bleach, developer, and red hair dye before going to check out. She paid and left the store, checking for cars before she crossed the parking lot to get back to the car. As she was putting her items in the trunk, she could feel eyes on her. Instantly she was on edge, glancing around into the cars surrounding her, but didn't find anyone.

Chase was in jail, her father made sure of it, so there wasn't a reason to worry. Addie shook the feeling, climbing into the car and starting the drive home. When Addie pulled into the driveway, she couldn't help but smile, seeing Chris sitting on her porch, waiting for her. He had begged to come, but Nick and Alahna refused, wanting some of their own Addie time.

Addie had never felt more loved.

Addie put the car in park, laughing as Chris raced up to her door to open it for her. "Finally." He groaned, leaning in for a quick kiss before letting her out of the car. Addie could hear Nick and Alahna mocking Chris as he shut the door behind her. They walked around to the trunk, only to be stopped by Nick slamming it shut before Chris could open it all the way.

"Go home, Christopher!" Nick demanded, leaning against the car in a way to keep Chris from seeing what Addie got.

"No way!" Chris scoffed, crossing his arms across his chest.

Nick rolled his eyes at his brother's tuff guy act, "You can see her tomorrow, at school. Addie is ours tonight." He explained, making Chris shake his head in protest.

"He's right, Chris. We can hangout tomorrow morning before school." Addie suggested, getting the gist of keeping everything in the trunk a secret. Especially her hair, she's not sure how he'll react to that.


"But nothing, Chris." Alahna sassed, joining everyone else at the trunk. "You will survive. Maybe we'll accept a phone call later, if you must." She teased Chris, making him roll his eyes.

"Fine." He muttered, pulling his girlfriend into a hug, kissing her on the forehead. "I now have dibs on her this coming weekend. Both days." He grinned at his brother and best friend's shocked faces.

"Fucking whatever." Nick grumbled, shooing at Chris with his hands. Chris muttered a goodbye, before making his way to his own home, stopping before disappearing inside. He obnoxiously blew a kiss at Addie, laughing loudly as she jumped in the air to catch it, placing it on her cheek. He walked inside grinning, making Matt who was coming down the stairs, roll his eyes at his love sick brother.

"Now that the idiot is gone, it's time for us to have some fun!" Nick spoke, elated at the thought of giving Addie a mini makeover.  The three friends made their way inside, finding a note and 40 dollars on the counter.

"Going on a date, order pizza on us. Be home soon." Addie read the note, making Alahna gasp in excitement. She had been craving pizza all day, but Addie and Nick talked her into getting Chinese food for lunch. Alahna immediately began ordering the pizza, while Nick was getting the bleach ready, and Addie went upstairs to change.

Roughly 30 minutes later, Addie's lower layers of hair were covered in bleach, only wanting to do a peekaboo type of look. She was reading the instructions and decided in 20 minutes, if it didn't lift as much as she wanted she'd just wait longer to wash it out. She really hoped it turned out how she was picturing in her head, or she was going to have a mental breakdown.

Addie joined Nick and Alahna in the living room, smiling when she saw someone had put on Grey's Anatomy, one of Addie's favorite tv shows.

The trio watched in silence, only speaking if something in the show warranted a reaction. Addie loved nights like these, where the conversations weren't forced and the phones were put down. Bonding over a tv show was her favorite experience, next to going to concerts of course. Addie's timer went off, and she was up the stairs to check on her hair. She decided her hair had lightened enough, and began to get ready for a shower.

Once she was finished, she got dressed in the same outfit as before since they were going to apply the red hair dye once they finished eating. As she was walking down the stairs, the doorbell went off. The pizza was finally here. As she walked into the living room, she was surprised to see Nick and Alahna sitting with the pizza on the coffee table.

"It's probably Chris, I'll get it." Nick sighed, motioning for the girl to get away from the door so he wouldn't see her hair. Addie laughed, assuming Nick was right. Chris tends to be clingy, but Addie loved that about him.

"Um, hi?" Nick questioned, sounding confused on who was on the other side of the door. Alahna and Addie shared a look of shock, both of them standing.

"I'm looking for Adeline? Chase said she lived here." A girl spoke, her tone soft. Addie instantly froze, not wanting to believe that Chase had sent some girl after her now.

"Uh..." Nick trailed off, not sure if he should slam the door in her face, or if he should go off on her for showing up looking for Addie after everything she went through with that man. Addie didn't give him much time to think, she was opening the door wider to see who was there.

"Daya?" Adeline whispered, shocked at the sight before her.

authors note .ᐟ
new character alert!
also fun fact: ryat and blakely / adeline and daya are character names from two of my favorite books ever
i just had to work them in somehow
okay byeeee (happy new year !!)

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