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Chris and Addie had started dating about 2 months after Chris left the hospital, taking time to get to know each other all over again before jumping into anything. Slowly introducing Addie to the Sturniolo Triplets YouTube channel, Addie had continued her music career. Chris felt so much pride and joy with watching Addie grow, to listen to all of the love songs she sang with her full chest, just for him.

Just about him.

Hitting many milestones together in such a short amount of time, did nothing but bring them closer. Comforting each other when things got hard, never letting the other down in any way. Addie was loving Chris how she wished she could have years ago, and Chris was welcoming it with open arms.

Nick and Matt took a minute to get used to Addie constantly being around again, with Addie not having a very clean track record with sticking around. Addie accepted it, knowing she deserved every second thought they threw her way. She was prepared to grovel for the rest of her life, if they wanted her too.

They finally came around about a month after Chris asked her to be his girlfriend again. Chris had just gotten home from a date and was rambling on and on about how in love he felt, which wasn't usual for him to do. He was projecting his love for Addie on his brothers, and Nick couldn't help but feel a little jealous at the strong connection Addie and Chris had. How they had picked things back up so easily.

He was the first to let things go back to normal, texting Addie at ungodly hours with stupid questions or something funny he found on Instagram. Slowly they started hanging out more, especially while Chris was busy with his clothing brand. Addie was ecstatic about rekindling with Nick, but Chris on the other hand?

He was pissed about it.

Chris got used to having Addie all to himself, so when she and Nick made up, he was not thrilled at the loss of his Addie time. He was used to spend Saturday's at Addie's house, cuddled up watching whatever show she wanted, and just talking. Sleeping in on Sunday, and cooking breakfast at 2 pm. Somehow, Nick had started to get invites, and eventually, so did Matt.

Matt finally joined the trio when Addie had complimented his idea for his second Instagram account. Chris had let it slip what he planned to do with it, so when she reached out to him about how proud she was, he called her up and asked if she wanted to go for a drive. They talked for hours, catching up and really talking things through. Sharing music and memories from their time spent apart, really meant a lot to Matt. It helped reconnect them in a way they hadn't had in a long time.

Addie finally had all three boys at her side and she felt unstoppable. So when she released her very first album, titled Suckerpunch, she was at an all time high. Expressing herself through music had been so therapeutic, she had begged and begged Chris to do a song with her. She felt like them composing a song together about their teenage love, would really seal the deal.

On their one year anniversary, Chris pulled through with his part of the song. Addie never released the song, but it was her personal favorite, always looking for an excuse to play it. While she was doing dishes, or laundry. While she swept the house, even while she slept. Falling in love with Chris was the best thing teenage Addie could've done for adult Addie.

It was going to be the song they danced to at their wedding.

The years flew by them all, growing up and chasing their dreams. So when the triplets decided to go on tour, it only made sense that Addie tagged along and opened for their shows. Addie loved performing, despite her anxiety. Knowing she was singing to a crowd that sang right back put her in such a state of happiness, and she got to share it with her boyfriend and best friends.

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