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March 27, 2023.

March 27, 2023

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"Oh, my God." Rosalie enters the Greenland home of Alistair and Kelby one week after Marsha gave birth to Leonard Alexei Cullen Bailey and she sees the baby on the bed with the blue bunny that Emmett sent them when they found it in Cuba. "He's so perfect. Can I?"

"Yeah," a red-eyed Kelby replies.

Rosalie picks Leonard up and she swoons immediately. "Ness and Jacob have two children. Evan and Sarah Black. Her friend Lucina is godmother."

"Leah had a baby with Viviaca via sperm donor, a boy named Harry," Emmett says, "and a girl named Elisabeth. Twins."

"I know, Viviaca told me as soon as Leah was pregnant," Kelby replies. "Leah's pregnant again, due anytime. A girl. She's naming her Carlotta Clearwater."

Rosalie coos over the baby as Bella and Edward come in. Ness lives in La Push with Jacob and their two children. Alice and Jasper live near Charlotte and Peter in Alpine, Texas, but they'll visit Greenland when they can. Bella walks over and she gives Kelby a big hug while Edward greets Alistair and they all coo over Leonard.

Meanwhile in Heaven...

"That's what I'm talking about," Leonard Sheffield murmurs as he watches as Kelby's life moves on. "That's what I wanted for you, my love. You're happy, married, in love with a son."

Leonard finally grabs the remote and he turns the tv off, now having found peace knowing that Kelby will be okay and will keep his head above water.

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