Chapter 10

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It is September the 13th now. It is Bella Swan's eighteenth birthday and Alice has demanded they throw the human girl a birthday party.

Kelby goes to the cemetery in Port Angeles while the others are at school (Esme's at home and Carlisle's with her) and he puts some dahlias and red roses (mixed) in the usual spot. He kneels down in front of the rock and he swipes the mowed grass off of the rock and he sighs.

"Hello, Leonard," Kelby whispers. "I guess I'm visiting you here now." He sits on the grass and he smiles. "I'm going to Italy in a few days. I'm going to spend some time in Volterra since Aro said I could come by and get answers for my ability. I probably won't be by for a while, but I'll come when I can."

He sits there and he just talks to Leonard like he would when he was alive.

Kelby arrives home later as the party begins.

"Bella!" Kelby walks over and he hugs her, surprising the human. "Happy birthday."

"Than-thank you," Bella stammers shyly.

"So shy." Kelby smiles. "Adorable."

Bella blushes as Edward chuckles.

"Kelby, behave," Edward lightly scolds.

Kelby smirks. "What, me? Never." He moves to stand with Rosalie and she curls into his arm as he wraps around her. "Sorry I'm late. I was at Leonard's grave," he says to Alice. "I lost track of time."

"It's okay, Kelby," Alice reassures. "I'm not mad at you."

Kelby nods. "Ooh, wait. Bella, I got you a present." He disappears and comes back. "I went to Seattle after leaving Port Angeles."

Bella opens the bag and finds some Debussy and some other classical music CD's. "Oh, wow," she breathes and looks up. "Thanks."

"You and Leonard liked the same classical artists," Kelby says. "I knew where the best stores are."

Bella smiles bashfully at him. "This is great, Kelby," she says.

Kelby smirks at her and he looks at Rosalie. "Cheer up, Rosie, I still love you," he muses when he sees her pout.

"Shut up," Rosalie mumbles and Emmett chuckles from the stairs.

"I'm glad you're here," Kelby whispers. Rosalie and Emmett have been gone to Africa for a few months for the summer, Kelby spent his time here with Esme and Carlisle, planning his trip to Volterra. "I've missed you."

"I missed you, too," Rosalie replies.

Emmett sneaks outside while Alice hands Bella a gift from Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie. Bella opens up the gift and she stares at the box. It's a radio box. She opens it and finds nothing in it.

"Um... thanks...?"

Rosalie actually cracks a grin at this.

Jasper chuckles. "It's a stereo for your truck," he explains. "Emmett installing it right now so that you can't return it."

"Thanks, Jasper and Rosalie," Bella says, grinning. "Thanks, Emmett!"

Emmett's booming laughter is heard from inside from where he is at, at Bella's truck. Bella can't help but laugh, too, and Kelby smirks slightly.

"Open mine and Edward's next," Alice chirps excitedly as she hands Bella a small, flat square gift.

Bella turns to Edward with a basilisk glare. "You promised," she scolds.

"You act as if eighteen's old, Bella," Kelby muses.

Right before Bella can argue with Kelby, Emmett bounds through the doors.

"Just in time," he crows. Emmett pushes in behind Jasper, who has drifted closer to get a better look.

"I didn't spend a dime," Edward assured the human. He brushes a strand of hair from her face.

Kelby looks away, suddenly feeling very alone. He has no mate. Carlisle has Esme. Jasper has Alice. Emmett and Rosalie have each other, and so do Bella and Edward. Kelby's fine with being alone, but he usually stays away when all of the couples are in one room.

Bella inhales deeply and she turns back to Alice. "Give it to me," she caves.

Emmett chuckles in delight and he rubs his hands together. The last birthday they celebrated was Emmett's in 1935, that was two years before Kelby was even born. Kelby doesn't really celebrate birthdays, he never did, unless it was with Leonard.

Bella takes the fact, she rolls her eyes at Edward while she sticks a finger under the edge of the paper and jerks it under the rape. Kelby tenses up when he smells her blood. He does do good with his control when he's around human, but he hasn't been around fresh blood since he killed those cops who killed him.

"Shoot," Bella murmurs when she sees a single drop of blood oozing out of the tiny cut she got from the paper.

While Kelby is frozen, Edward is roaring a 'no'. Kelby's vision blurs when Edward flings Bella back, sending her into the glass table that the cake, presents, flowers, and plates were at. Kelby closes his eyes and he tries to regain control while the others fight Jasper back.

"I can't be here," Kelby whispers. "I'm - I'm -... I gotta go. I'm sorry."

Kelby looks at Bella once and at her very bloody arm, his eyes as black as coal. Bella watches as he stares at her arm, his entire body trembling as he fights control.

"Don't," Bella says to Edward when he goes to push Kelby back. "He's fighting against himself."

Kelby suddenly turns and he flees, hating himself.

"He wasn't going to hurt me and even if he did, he'd hate himself," Bella says. "Has he ever..."

"He killed the guys who killed him," Carlisle says as he walks over to her. "But he hasn't had human blood since then. It's hard for him. He and Jasper are both new to the diet, Kelby more-so than Jasper. I'm actually quite surprised by his control."

"Leonard," Bella whispers. "He stays in control because of him... doesn't he?"

Carlisle smiles. "I like to think so," he answers. "Edward, can you bring Bella to the dining room? I'll grab some supplies."

Edward nods and he picks Bella up and he walks away with her.

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