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The Cullens have left Seattle by now. Kelby's still sad about losing Leonard but as long as he's safe from the homophobic police, he's okay with it. He will always love Leonard, no matter what. He loves that man.

Kelby sits on the roof of this house they're staying in, in the state of Montana. The sun has set, so the vampire can sit outside and not glisten like a disco ball. He watches as Jasper and Alice talk among the trees but he doesn't listen in. Rosalie and Emmett are inside with Carlisle and Esme.

"Hey," Edward's voice sounds as he joins Kelby on the roof. "Your thoughts are very loud."

"I'm sorry," Kelby replies. "I'm just thinking about Leonard. I wonder where he ended up."

"I think Alice saw him settling down in Port Angeles, Washington," Edward says calmly. "He's safe."

"That's good," Kelby replies. "I worry about him often."

"Of course you do," Edward says. "I've seen your memories through your thoughts. I can only dream of finding a love like that one day."

Kelby smiles a little. "It's amazing, that kind of love," he says. He pulls his knees up to his chest as he watches Jasper give Alice a kiss and he sighs..

Edward touches his shoulder when he sees a glimpse of Kelby and Leonard's first kiss in the vampire's head and they watch the couple.

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