Chapter 31

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It's been a good week. Kelby spent it working with Kelsea. He takes her hunting every day so that she can be around Bella easier. She still struggles but that's okay. She's still a newborn. Jasper assured her it'll take some time. Jasper even helps Kelby work with Kelsea and her control as a newborn since he has experience with newborns.

"You guys... thank you for helping me," Kelsea says to Jasper and Kelby out in the woods beyond the Cullen house.

"Hey, who knows, maybe you'll be going to school soon enough once you're in control," Jasper says. "You're a natural already."

Kelsea smiles. She'd be blushing if she were still a human. She's a lesbian but she isn't used to praise and compliments. "Thank you," she says.

They're soon joined by Edward.

"Could you guys use one more to this hunting party?" Edward asks the trio,

"Ooh, yes!" Kelsea replies.

"Let's do it," Kelby replies and they all rush off together on that chilly Saturday morning.

"How's school going, Sammy?" Sam asks the little wolf.

"I'm making passing grades," Samantha Clearwater replies to her older sister's ex-boyfriend. "A's and B's."

"I can approve of that," Sam teases and Samantha grins. "Hey, I'm sorry I hurt Leah."

"Aren't you the one who told me that imprinting doesn't always mean romance," Samantha says. "You could have chosen friendship with Emily. Instead, you chose romance and to break my sister's heart. That was your choice, Sam. You made your bed, now you get to sleep in it. That's what my dad always used to say."

She stands up and she goes to shift so she can find Seth on patrol. Sam sighs as the girl disappears.

"She's right, you know," Emily says from the door. "You told me and the pack about imprinting."

Sam exhales deeply. "I know," he says. He gives Emily a kiss. "I hate that I hurt Leah, but I love you, Emily."

"I love you, too," Emily says. "Leah and I used to be best friends, but then you chose romance over friendship when you imprinted on me."

Sam nods and he hugs her.

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