Chapter 51

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For dinner, Kelby makes some sloppy joes sandwiches. He'll still to people food since he can't very well hunt. He makes twelve sandwiches and beings them outside. He hands three to Jacob, three to Seth, three to Samantha, and he unwraps them and lays them in front of Leah's wolf.

"I have a humanity gift," Kelby says. "I can eat and taste people food. I love to cook. Please eat, Leah. You can hate me and still eat my cooking," he muses as Seth eats greedily, the same with Sammy. "They're sloppy joe sandwiches."

"These are good," Jacob says after his first bite. "I bet that humanists gift is awesome."

"Only when I'm not crying," Kelby says. "I don't like crying."

Leah sniffs the sandwiches and wearily eats one. She lips her lips and eats the other two.

"I'll leave you three," Kelby says. "Sammy, Kelsea is inside with Bella. She's okay."

Sammy smiles. "Thanks," she says. "Those were great, Kelby. Thanks."

"You're welcome," Kelby replies gently and he turns to walk away.

Jacob glances at Leah and sees her watching Kelby's retreating for curiously. Even Jacob knows that Kelby's one of the good ones. He eats his other two sandwiches, ignoring Leah. Kelby disappears inside before reappearing on the balcony with Kelsea. The two set up a checkers board and they play a round.

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