Chapter 46

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Edward and Bella had made it home within sixteen hours, it's been about two weeks since then. Bella is indeed pregnant. She has Rosalie on her side on keeping the baby. Bella had called Rosalie while she was waiting for Edward to ready to plane for their flight back home to North America.

In La Push, the wolves are all shifted and in a pack meeting, everyone but Jared. Jared has went to Kim Cornweller's house.

'Sup, Boss? Paul asks via mind-link.

We need to talk, Sam replies. Something's happened. Seth, tell them what you heard.

Jacob glances over at Seth, who's standing beside his twin sister. Jake can't believe at Sammy imprinted on a bloodsucker but Kelsea seems like a good girl, even if she is a vampire. Jacob can assume that's because Kelby Hale has been the one working with her. Kelby might've broken his nose, but he deserved it.

Charlie called around 'til he found Billy at my house, Seth says.

Yeah, I talked to him. That's Paul.

A jolt goes through Jacob as soon as he hears Charlie's name. He's been thinking about Bella, wondering how she died, but hearing her dad's name chills him.

So he's all flipped out, Seth says. Guess Edward and Bella got home two weeks week and....

She's okay and alive?

Yeah, bro, but that's the good news, Seth says.  Here's the bad news. Charlie talked to her and she sounded bad. She told him that she's sick. Carlisle got on and told Charlie that Bella picked up some rare disease in South America. Said she's quarantined. Charlie's going crazy, 'cause he's not allowed to see her. He says he doesn't care if he gets sick, but Carlisle wouldn't bend. Told Charlie it was pretty serious, but that he's doing everything he can. Custodies been stewing about it for days, but he only called Billy now. He said she sounded worse today.

There's a mental silence after Seth stops talking to them. Seth nuzzles up against Sammy, who nuzzles her twin brother back. Leah watches her siblings with soft eyes, eyes only set for her siblings. Eyes that used to be reserved for Sam before he broke her heart for Emily.

Well, what are we waiting for? Jacob asks. No one answers but he can hear their feelings of hesitation. Oh, come on! The treaty's broken!

We have no proof — maybe she is sick...


Okay, so the circumstantial evidence is pretty strong. Still... Jacob, Sam says. Are you sure this is what you want? Is this really the right thing? We all know what she wanted.

The treaty doesn't mention anything about victim preferences, Sam! Jacob declares.

Is she really a victim? Would you label her that way?


Jacob, the Clearwater twins say in sync, they aren't our enemies.

Shut up, kids! Jacob snaps and Leah growls protectively. Just 'cause you've got some kind of sick hero worship thing going on with that bloodsucker Seth and because you imprinted on another one, Samantha, it doesn't change the law. They are our enemies. They are in our territory. We take the, pit...

We don't hurt impirnts, Sam declares. Kelsea Hale is an imprint. She's not to be harmed.

"And what are you going to do when Bella fights with them, Jacob? Huh? Seth challenges. She's not Bella anymore. You gonna be the one to take her down.

Leah plants herself between Jacob and Seth before Jacob can attack him. Sam cuts in as Quill runs over after he drops Claire off with Sue.

Don't worry, Sammy, Kelsea won't be touched, Sam says once a decision's been made.

Kelby goes to tend to Bella some because she looks as awful as she sounds and she curls up to him.

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