Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

Arthur ordered Luke and Blake to drag me out into the woods. Liz tried to protest but bozo instructed her to, and I quote, "Fuck off you weirdo or I'll teach you a lesson as well."

She had no choice but to let them take me, not liked I really cared. I liked messing with these jerks, I do feel bad that Liz has to go through a lot of guilt for letting them beat me up all the time.

It's not like she could really do anything though. She tried to defend once me but ended up taking a beating alongside me which was kind of brutal and she ended up in the hospital for a couple of days. She wasn't use to it like me.

And she also can't go to the Alpha to report their behavior since he didn't really care and isn't even the one taking care of the pack, it's our Luna that's doing all the work and she can't hand out punishments since the teens would just go to Arthur's father and he'll stop her.

Like I said, this pack is doomed. We have corrupted leadership that don't do anything but drink and have narcissistic people whatever you looked. This place is a bad place to be born in.

Getting thrown into a pile of mud, I scowled in annoyance. If this keeps up, I'll have to steal another shirt from Nini. She's slightly taller than me so her clothes are baggy on me, which makes them super comfortable to wear. I love Nini's clothes.

Turning around, I looked up at the annoying twats that looked down at me with grins. An evil look in their eye which sent a small shiver of fear down my spine.

Even though I liked to mess with them and didn't really care about getting abused anymore, my omega side does. Always making me slightly fearful when I disrespect anyone with a higher authority. This is something I hate the most, it's so irritating like these boneheads.

Cracking his knuckles, Arthur gave me a wide, insane like smile as he took a step forward. He stayed silent as he suddenly kicked my chest and pinned me down.

The wind was knocked out of me. I quickly gritted my teeth to not give him a hint of satisfaction of him hearing me in pain. Screw him and his pride.

Blood slipped past my lips but I ignored it. Arthur didn't, he looked very proud to see me bleed due to his hands. "We should teach you other lesson, omega. It seems that we still haven't teach you any manners yet, let's changed that shall we?"

I grinned, spitting a bit of blood on him that landed on his shoe. I rather die than show any of these scum a hint of respect. "Teach me manners? That's ironic coming from a man whore that sleeps with anything that moves."

If it was possible, his eyes darken even more. "Boys, let's have some fun."

Niut's POV

One of these days, Lizzie is gonna give me a heart attack. Always bringing up what I do even though she knew my hounds are always close by, she's so mean!

Luckily I got out of there just in time but I think Zila and Zarah know that something is up since they've been starting at me for a few minutes now and it's making me nervous.

Just gonna drink my coffee and ignore them then everything should be fine. "Little one, what was Elizabeth talking about in-front of the school?" Damn it! They heard her! Screw you Liz!

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing. We were just making fun of each other and you know, Liz...always...umm...likes to make up stuff." I said awkwardly, sounding unsure while refusing eye contact.

In the corner of my eye, I saw the two look at each  before looking back at me. The wall is looking very interesting right now. Did they change it? It looks different. I should change the topic. "Did you guys paint the wall? It look different"

"Don't try to change the topic shorty." Zila grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer to them but I still refused eye contact even if they were trying to force it. "Do I have to call Madam Katz about this?"

I paled, they wouldn't dare. "We would dare." Curse you and your promise to my maker! "It's nothing, I'm just skipping a few classes." Not my fault skipping is an addiction.

Zila went to say something but my phone rang. Thank the gods! "Excuse me!" I practically ripped myself from the hounds grip which I think teared my shirt a bit but I didn't really care at the moment. I was just happy that I'm avoiding this conversation.

I spilled my phone out of my pocket and answered. Before I could say anything, I was instantly greeted by the sounds of Lizzy's crying. "Liz? What happened! Why are you crying?"

"They-they took her! Into the forest!" That's all it took for rage to fill me. I gripped my phone tightly, almost crushing it. Damn those bastards, why can't they just leaver Alex alone!?

And it's supposed to rain pretty bad in a few minutes. If those mutts hurt her now, they'll leave her out in the rain. And if that happens she's gonna be sick and when that happens she's gonna be all bratty and mean! I don't wanna deal with a sick brat right now! "Okay, we'll deal with this."

Hanging up, I turn back to my hounds, eyes glowing. "We have to go. Now."


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