Chapter 7

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Alex's POV

I shot up from the couch, scaring the goddess out of Nini since we nearly banged heads and she was startled by my sudden awakening. Sweat was pouring down my face as I looked around.

Liz turned to me confused as she watched me looked around in a slight panic. When I fully register that I was safe in the club house, I calmed down. Letting out a small groan before flopping back on Nini's lap. "What was that all about?"

Liz asked, putting the wet washcloth back on my hot forehead. "I had a bad dream." I frowned, thinking back of that brown fur tiger that nearly eaten me.

I never heard of a brown tiger before, I only thought that tigers had white, orange, or black fur. Never brown. It seems kind of strange for a tiger to have brown fur. But, see it, it looks beautiful. Scary, but beautiful.

What a weird dream I had. "Bad dream, you say?" Turning my head, I looked at Zack who was very focus on his very violent game. "Grab a controller and join in on the fun, it'll help you relax."

Giving Zack a blank look as I watched him brutal kill someone, I started to wonder if he was a psychopath. "No thanks, I'm good. I like being sane."

"Suit yourself."

Out of nowhere, a water bottle came flying out and whacked the side of Zack's face. "Hey!" Turning my head, I saw Zila and Zarah walk out of the kitchen with cups of teas in hand.

"That is not how you deal with bad dreams." Zarah frowned, handing me one of the cup of tea she had. Will this is new. Zarah and Zila are never ones to be...give others comfort. So I find this kind of nerve-racking. "Tea helps with anything. Is better then video games." Zila handed a cup to Nini, who thanked her. I think I'm in another nightmare.

"Hey, did you guys hear?" Max asked, staring down at her phone. "What?" We all asked. "The Werewolf Queen just announced that she's gonna plan a giant gathering for werewolf packs."

"Huh? Why would she do that?" Zack asked, pausing the game to look at the brunette. "It saids that it's for celebrities the 2,500 year of werewolves first being created by the moon goddess. Anyone is welcome to come unless they plan to stir some trouble."

"Isn't the celebration three weeks away? This would be the first time the werewolf queen would be throwing a party isn't it?"

"Yeah. She has been Queen for...ten years now. Can't really blame her for not throwing one for so long. She was technically a child when she was crowned. Still is."

It's true, our dear queen became ruler at only eighteen in human years. But in werewolf years, she was 182, which means she's kind of a child to most. Or teenager. Being as she's still young, she has no children and her heir is her younger brother. Prince Theodore, who's 157.

She's the youngest person to even take the throne. And we only had around six rules I think.

For some odd reasons, only the royal family lived for a long time unlike the rest of us. The late king became ruler when he was somewhere in his six hundreds and he served for over a millennium before getting killed.

I'm so glad I don't have to live that long. Imagine living in this hell hole for over 180 years before I could legally run away, not like I would. I'll probably feel old too. Especially with my silver hair, it looks white.

Plus, even though our dear queen is young, she has four mates, The Queen of Dragons, Queen of WereTigers, Vampire Queen, and the Demon Queen. It normally takes someone in the royal family to find their mate, hundreds of years.

But I'm glad she found them so young. I think she's the only reason why the vampires and demons don't mess with werewolves anymore. If she hadn't, Arthur would have fed me to the vampires long ago.

"I'm not going." I snapped out of my thoughts, looking up at Nini who took a sip of her tea. "Why not?" Liz pouted, her ears are flat against her head.

I paled. Liz loves to dress people up and do their make up. Ever since time one of us have to attend anything, she forcefully do our make up and picks out our outfit. "I hate parties, plus I'm not even a werewolf. There's no point in me going."

Nini sighed, resting her head in her hand. Liz huffed and turned to me. "I'm not going either." I said quickly. She gave me a look with a giant smirk on her face. Nini took my cup of tea.

I slowly got up, backing off the couch. "Get away from. Get away! Nini! Help!" Liz leaped over the couch and started chasing me.

"You're on your own. Plus, my hands are full."

"Don't break anything."

"Nini! Max! you traitors!" This is another nightmare!


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