Chapter 39

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Alex's POV

Sounds like Mist is having a fun time. Her laughter is genuine and she seems to actually have a blast. Can't same the same for me.

I'm just sitting here, surrounded by nothing but darkness and empty space as I semi watch as Mist visits each of our mates. Giving them hugs, talking to them for a little bit, and even giving a flower to the devil. Just thinking about that sent shivers down my spine.

Mates. I never thought that I would ever use that word. Mates are your other half, the person that you will spent the rest of your life with and even have a family together. If they die, you won't ever have another partner again.

The Moon Goddess is the person who decides who will be your mate. It sounds like a hard job to have and I kind of don't like the fact that a random goddess is deciding the fates of her own children.

It's nerve racking since plenty of people have rejected their other half. That alone can make any wolf go insane before eventually dying due to the rejection. Luckily, in some rare cases where the person survives the rejection, sometimes they have second chance mate.

It seems like their majesties aren't going to reject me, seeing how they are around Mist. And that brings me a little bit of happiness and confidence but that doesn't excuse the fact that they are queens.

Each that rules a different species and each of their own way of living. Weretigers are a race that are built on the instinct to hunt, they're always in a group, they're crazy about their strength and game. If there's a fight, they'll happily join in.

Dragons are giant creatures that have soar through the sky and swam through the ocean since the beginning of time. They have an instinct to hoard anything that peaks their interest, it can stem to gold, books, clocks, human things, or just human themselves, which is weird.

But beside that, dragons are beast that are feared by many. In the early years, they were hunted by humans and then been in hiding before coming back out during the Great War. They have a strict code that they follow and are very loyal.

Demons are the very beings of evil, it's how they were created. They're violent, cruel, dangerous, and don't follow any rules. Well, the lower rank ones don't. High ranking demons are extremely strict when it comes to their rules. Can't forget that they punish sinners for all of eternity and enjoy it.

Vampires, dead corpses walking about that need blood to survive. They're a species that are always rich and all of them seemed to be always stuck up, acting like a bunch of super class people which seems annoying to deal with. It's like being around nobles who are stuck in their ways.

Lastly, werewolves. Us werewolves, are do I put this? Something vampires don't really like. I mean, we can tolerate each other, for the most part, but that's only because way back before the Great War, the was another war between werewolves and vampires that nearly made both sides go extinct. It was bad.

And werewolves are people that can shift into four legged wolfs, we also have Lycays who shift into two legged wolf beasts and they have their own form of government but I'm not gonna talk about out that.

What I'm saying is that, they all have a different form on how they live with werewolves being probably the less civil, besides the weretigers, and I'm nothing but a wolf at the bottom of the food chain.

I sighed, hiding my face in my arms. This is so overwhelming. I mated to The Alpha Queen, Blood Queen, Tiger Queen, Dragon Queen, and The Demon Queen.

Feeling a small nudge against my back, I lifted my head and looked back to see a pair of glowing eyes. I squealed, backing up a bit as I stared at the being before me. It was a wolf. A blond fur wolf. The same wolf from my dream.

A sigh of relief escape me, its queen Emma's wolf side. I gave her a weak smile. "You shouldn't scare me like that you know." The wolf's ears flattened against her head.

"I apologize for scaring you. That wasn't my intentions." I was surprised to hear her speak to me but that quickly faded away. Guess I'm getting use to all the craziness going on. "It's okay. Do you need something?"

I tilted my head as the wolf sat before me. "You were acting strange so I wanted to check up on you. Now I see it is just your wolf." I nodded my head. "Yeah, I let her have control while I thought about stuff."

"May I ask as to what is on your mind? What is troubling you little mate?" I looked away from the powerful beast, resting my chin on my knees. "It's just...I'm scared." The truth slipped out. I can't hold it in anymore. I just can't. "Why?"

"I'm an omega from a weak, unstable pack that will tear itself apart in any moment. I'm glad I found my mates, I really am. But, I know nothing on how to be a rulers mate." My chest tightened and tears began to form in my eyes. My voice became wobbly and weak.

"If I wanna be with my mates and not embarrass them, I have to please a ton of people from different species who do things in different ways. I'm not like that nor can I do it. I'm simple. I wear white clothes and I like to annoy my friends." I hid my face in my knees. "I'm just going to be a nuisance."

Hearing a low growl. Emma's wolf leaned over and began licking my face. I laughed, trying to push her away with my weak arms while she pushed me to the ground, licking my face even more as she was on top of me.

When she was done, she stared down into my eyes, still pinning me to the floor. "The others and I will never find you as a nuisance. You're right about having to please different people but we are right here at your side to help you. Plus, do you really think we care about what the people say? They already dislike that we were crown rulers at young ages.

Having a mate such as yourself will never change that we don't care about what they think."

I smiled up at her, tears rolling out of my eyes as I felt a sense of relief wash over me. "Thank you." I guess, it won't hurt to try.


Author: In case you're wondering, Emma and Taylor are the only two of Alex's five mates that have a beast that can talk to them and take control. The others are literally a demon, Vampire, and Dragon. They have no other beast. They are the beast.

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