Chapter 30

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Third Person POV

Alex's mind was going a thousand miles an hour, thinking about what her wolf had just said. Unaware that the red scaled dragon was done grooming her.

Feeling a giant snout gently nudge her, Alex snapped out of her thoughts, focusing on the dragon giving her a slightly worried look. A tiny form of guilt stabbed the omega through the heart, not liking that her mate was worried about her.

Without thinking twice, she leaned forward and gave a small lick of reassurance to the dragon's snout before rubbing her head against it.

A loud purr came from the enormous lizard as she closed her eyes in contentment. Enjoying the attention she was receiving from the little wolf.

Feeling something huge rub against her small body, Alex turned her attention away from the dragon and towards a wolf that was twice her size. While she was just a hair shorter than a normal wolf, this Alpha was twice the size of one.

Upon seeing their different sizes, Alex's ears pinned back as she let out a small whimper. Baring her neck in submissiveness.

The giant wolf growled angrily when she did that, her ears pinning back. She gently nipped at Alex to make her stop. When she did, she looked at the Alpha with slight fear which turned to surprise them bliss when her Alpha rubbed her face against hers, ignoring the dragon saliva all over Alex's coat.

Without noticing it, the giant tiger that was half the size taller than the Alpha, came over and waiting until the wolf was done.

When the blond wolf was finished, she pulled back and watched as Alex turned her gaze from her to the tiger. Her fearful reaction returned upon seeing the huge beast.

She pressed herself against the ground like a kitty cat, staring up at the feline who stared back at her with a confused expression.

Leaning down she licked Alex's head for a while which eased her slightly.

Hearing a chuckle, all the shifters turned their head to see the vampire and demon walking over to them. "You're scaring the poor dear, loves." Jane smiled.

With one hand in her pocket, Eli reached over and used her long nails to scratch Alex's head. Liking the scratches she was getting, Alex leaned deeper into the hand petting her. A blush forming on her face when the scratches reached behind her ears.

Everyone chucked at her reaction. "You're adorable, little pup." Alex pouted, glaring at the demon, which just made her look even more cuter to her mates.

Letting out a small growl, Alex removed herself from Eli's embrace and went to walk away. Only to get grabbed by her scruff by the giant tiger and lifted up like she was a kitten.

She let out a loud whine, fussing about to free herself from the evil beast that dare put her in air jail. 'Put me down!'

'No can do, little 'mega.' The tiger said thought the bond, surprising Alex. 'You're coming with us.'

Using all her might, Alex soon managed to free herself from the beasts jaws. Dropping to the forest floor, the second she felt grass under her paws, she took off, grinning back to her mates. 'You have to catch me first!'

Grinning, the tiger chased after her, at a slow pace since she was far faster than the omega, as Alex ran past the clearing edge.

With her tail waging, and licking her muzzle, the giant wolf soon followed. Turning her head, the dragon saw as the vampire sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Well, a small chase wouldn't hurt, I guess. I just hope this doesn't ruin my hair."

"This should be fun." Without saying another word, Eli disappeared, using her demon speed to catch up with the others. Jane quickly followed. "Wait up, Li!"

Upon being the only person left in the clearing, the dragon opened her wings and gently took to the sky.


Author: Was this short? Yes. Was this rushed and not thought out? Also Yes. Do I care? No.

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