Chapter 15

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Alex's POV

The entire room fell silent as the doors slowly swing opened. Seeing everyone bow, I followed suit, closing my eyes while doing so.

I heard soft but loud footsteps slowly made themselves up to the front of the ballroom, being the only noise filling the room until it stopped. "Carry on. And enjoy the celebration."

Everyone stood back up and continued back to their conversations. Some Alphas even went over to the Queen.

Looking up at her majesty, I felt my heart skip a beat. She was breathtaking. She had long golden hair that was tied back, glassy baby blue eyes that held a hint of sadness in them and dark bags under them. She was thin, but slightly muscular.

She wasn't that tall like rumors said and she wore formal clothes. A light blue man's dress shirt slim with a dark grey vest over it with light grey trousers and white gloves.

She looked so elite yet...expressionless. Looking closer, she looked so sad but was trying to cover it up by having her head held high and making light talk with the Alphas surrounding her.

Like she could feel my staring, she turned her gaze at me, I blushed turning away to look at Zack. Embarrassed that I got caught staring at her.

Zack looked at me confused, head tilted. "What's wrong?" I shook my head, twiddling with my fingers behind my back, a nervous habit of mine. "It's nothing."

"Well, I'm gonna hit the buffet." Nini groaned, stretching her arms. "Is that the only reason why you can?" Max laughed. Without missing a beat, Nini shamelessly nodded her head, a huge smile on her face. "Yup!"

Harper groaned, rubbing the back of her neck. "After all that begging and hard work to get you an invite, you come here just for the free food?" Nini shrugged. "I'm cheap. Heard the food here was good. It kills two birds with one stone. See y'all."

Leaving, Zack didn't think twice and trailed behind her. Slouching with his hands in his pockets. "Brats, the both of them." Harper grumbled. "Could he be at least a little civil."

Max laughing, turning her head when someone walked up to us. "Your majesty." I squealed, turning back to see the werewolf queen standing right in-front of me.

There was a soft smile on her lips, amusement in her eyes as she looked at me. Seeing that, I felt my entire face heat up as my tail wrapped itself around my leg.

Butterflies were in my stomach. I suddenly got all shy as I twiddling got worst, my eyes shifted away from her to look at something else. Anything else.

"Hello. A pleasure to see you two again." I heard the Queen said. "Pleasures all mine, your majesty. I thank you for sending us an invitation."

The sounds of the Queen's soft laughter filled my ears. Hearing it made me feel a warm sensation come over me, I smiled. It was beautiful.

"Yes. Who's your friend?" Peaking just a tiny bit, I saw everyone looking at me. I immediately snapped my head back, making them chuckle. "This is Alex, she's a bit shy with new people." Harper yawned.

Her majesty took a step toward me, taking my chin in her hand and gently turn my head to look at her. Staring up at her, felt like a warm sunny day. She remains me of a field of sunflowers. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Alex. Thank you for coming."

Hearing her say my name made me full of joy. I softly smiled at her. "Likewise, your majesty." Her smile grew.

Letting go of my chin, she took my hand into her own, giving me a small bow before bring my hand up to her lips and kissing it.

I heard multiple gasps but ignored them, focusing only on the woman who was making me feel all types of things for the first time.

Standing up, her majesty let go of my hand which fell limp beside me. I was still coming to terms on what just happened as the Queen brightly smiled at me before turning back to Harper and Max.

"I'm afraid I must go. Alphas will wish to speak to me." Harper just nodded her head. "Yes, this is the first time you've thrown a celebration as Queen. I won't be surprised if you're swamped for the rest of the night. Good luck."

"Thank you." The Queen turned back to me. "I hope you have a wonderful evening, beautiful. I'll see you later, alright?"

I could only nod my head. "Alright." Giving one last smile, her majesty turned around and left. Immediately getting swarmed by Alphas, getting bombarded with questions.

Her face instantly changed from happy back to empty.

Nini and Zack came back with plates full of food, mouths stuff of food. They looked at us confused, seeing me all happy while the pair beside me looked bewildered. "What'd we miss?"


Author: Happy?

Author: Happy?

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