Chapter 12

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Alex's POV

"You're touching me, stop touching me!" Max growled, scooting closer to a sleeping Harper, trying to get as far away from Zack as possible in the small space they were in.

Unfortunately for her, she has the misfortune to get stuck in the middle of the seats. Harper to her left and a bruised Zack to the right.

As punishment for their little fight slash mess they caused back at the clubhouse, Max was forced to give up her phone for the entire evening so she couldn't ignore anyone at the party and Zack was forced to come with us to said party.

He had to quickly put on a black suit, which he kept on complaining that it was itchy and making him hot and sweaty. Which was true. "You're getting all your sweat on me, Zack! You stink too!" Max yelled, roughly used her foot to push Zack away from her. "It's like I'm smelling rotten meat burning!"

I'm surprised Harper haven't woken up yet. She's normally a light sleeper. Probably just ignoring us again.

"I can't go anywhere!" Zack growled back, fully against the van's door as he pushed Max's foot off him. "And you stink as well, Fido! Like wet dog."

"What did you say!?" Max launch forward, grabbing Zack by the collar and getting in his face. Zack did the same. We've been in the car for not even five minutes and they're already fighting.

Before another argument started, Nini sighed. "The two of you act like siblings."

"I rather gouge out my eyes and rip out my own tongue than to be related to him/her!" The two shouted in unison, turning their attention away from the brunette and back to each other.

Nini groaned, rubbing her forehead as she leaned back in the passenger seat while Zarah drove. They were nice enough to drive us to the party, saying that they didn't trust Max or Zack unsupervised during the ride to the Queen's castle.

The drive to my pack's territory and to the Queen's would have normally taken eight hours but Zarah knows some shortcuts and trimmed that time in half. Which to me is still hell.

Luckily for me, I was fortunate enough to be in the back back of the van, behind the arguing pair, and have a whole row of seats to myself. Sure it was pretty cramped back here but I have the great fortune of being short.

Zack tried to sit back here but that only lasted a minute before he reluctantly sat next to Max. He was too squashed back here to get comfortable.

"Maybe we should put you in the trunk! Then I'll have some peace of mind."

"YOU should be in the trunk! You're smaller!"

I should take a nap, it'll be much faster than listening to those twos war going on and getting a huge headache from it.

Laying down, I closed my eyes. The arguing slowly became faded as I slipped into dreamland. Let's just hope I don't get another one of those weird dreams again.


Why on the moon goddess am I back here! Looking at the no longer grey sky but a dark one, I sat up, looking around to see where I was this time and noticed that I was sitting in-front of the cave from my last dream. I paled.

Quickly getting up to my feet, I looked nervously into the dark entrance. I couldn't see anything inside, it was like I was staring into a dark void.

Shivers went up my spine, what if that scary brown-fur tiger was here? It's gonna kill me!

That giant blond-fur wolf was cute though. I wonder why a scary beast and a cute puppy like them were together here in the first place.

I blushed. Why am I thinking about that right now! I better get out of here, that tiger might be around, hiding in the dark, ready to strike when I least expect it. I wouldn't mind seeing that wolf again. She was adorable.

Her fur was shiny, I bet it's soft and smooth. Looks like she takes very good care of it. My hair is almost exactly the same, whenever I'm bored I like to run my fingers through it. It helps me relax.

I hope that the cute wolf lets me do the same to her, that is, I ever see her again.

Seeing a rat with wings fly past my head, I flinched from shock. Stopping in my tracks as I turned my attention towards the small creature flying about.

I watched it fly higher and higher into the sky and fly past a...woman?

A woman floating in the middle of the air, staring up at the stars as the light of the moon shined down on her.

I held my breath. She was oddly beautifully-terrifying with her short, white hair and bright red eyes that turned to look at the flying bat. And her built, muscular body that wasn't too muscular. Just right.

Lifting her hand, another woman's hand took it gracefully. My eyes widened as I watched as the bat slowly turn into a woman.

She had light ash blond hair and marigold color eyes, her figure was slim but she had curves that were perfect.

The white hair women, leaned down to kiss the other women's hand, who gently smiled at her.

They then turn their attention to me. Soft smiles on their lips, their posture civil, and their eyes full of love and affection as they looked at me. But, the aura around them was frightfully alarming and their gentle gaze made my body feel like lead. It felt like something was weighing me down, unable to move, and I smelled an overwhelming amount of iron coming from them.

It felt like I was in the presences of the most dangerous begins in the entire super nation world, but that didn't seem to scary me.

For some odd reason, just laying my eyes on their devilish forms relaxed me for some reason. And I didn't mind.

They were beautiful pieces of art work created by the devil himself. And I loved it.


Unknown Person's POV

Hearing the cries of mercy and pain as I walked through the dungeon brought a smile to my lips. Hearing those wonderful sounds coming from those low life begins were so heavenly.

Stopping in-front of her cell, I tilted my head. Hands behind my back as my smiled grew bigger when I saw her laying on the ground, whip, fist, and burn marks all over her thin body as she laid there in her own blood. Not an inch of her body was recognizable.

Magical chains to suppress her magic were secured tightly around every one of her stick like limbs. They were heavy which made it difficult for her to even move a centimeter.

Slowly lifting her head, she glared at me. Her tired eyes full of hate, anger, and disgust. I felt my eye twitched in annoyance.

I wanna see fear. I wanna see her eyes full of dread whenever she hears me coming. Someone like her shouldn't even be looking at a supreme being like myself like that.

"You'll tell me where the brat is sooner or later." I grinned, "You can't hide her forever."


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