Chapter 18

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Harper's POV

I let out a loud sigh, resting my elbows on the railing as the sounds of the celebration right behind me. Music playing and Alphas talking to one another.

Nini and Zack went to sit at a table, stuffing their faces with food, Alex ran off again towards the Royal Garden, and my lover went to speak to her family after spotting them in the crowd.

It's been a while since she last saw them so I didn't really mind that she left to go talk to them. Kind of surprising that they're here, they don't normally go to gatherings.

As for me, I went off to a nearby balcony to take a small break. It's surely not because I accidentally left my phone in the car so there was nothing to distract me from all these annoyances.

Wolves are just so...tiresome to deal with. Max and her family is alright to deal with but most others have high egos that can be easily bruised so you have to be careful when talking to them.

I may be from a pure line of demon blood but that doesn't mean I like to act all proper all the time.

Besides, tensions between a wolf pack and a demon could cause some trouble, especially for the Royals.

"Harp. Why are you out here?" I turned my head to see her majesty, Queen Eli of the Underworld. "Is it not allowed, my lady?"

I yawned, turning back around. Hearing the queen's steps come up to me until she was right by my side. We stayed in silence for a minute that felt like an eternity until her majesty spoke.

"The is it working with them?" She asked, putting her elbows on the railing like me. Staring out at the forest. "It's alright." I mumbled, rubbing my face to wake myself up a little.

"Is it better than doing your normal duties?" I said nothing, my hand dropping as I felt her gaze shift over to me. "Sin of Sloth." Our eyes linked, both pairs glowing for a moment before I looked away.

"What do you want, my lady?" She straighten up, still staring at me. "You don't have to be so formal with me, Harp. You're not like the other low ranking demons."

There was a small breeze. A split-second later in the corner of my eye, I saw her majesty's eyes widened just a bit.

Reaching over to grab my collar and pull me closer to her, her majesty leaned down and took in my scent.

My brows furrowed as I looked at her confused. Watching Eli's eyes unhurriedly open with a look of desire in them, letting out a deep breath as she slowly unhand me. "Where is she?"

"What?" I took a step back, tilting my head to the side as we were now facing each other. Looking her up and down, I realized that her was relaxed. Really relaxed.

Her whole body was at ease with her arms at her side, standing still with her face looking down at me with out her normal sinister expression but one full of calm and gentleness.

Which sent shivers down my entire body as I stared at her nervously, shock to see her like this.
I've never seen her like this. It's like hell froze over. "Where is she?" Who?

Hearing another pair of footsteps, I turned to see The Blood Queen with a blood bag in hand, drinking thought a straw.

Eli turned to her as well, taking another deep breath. "You found her?" Jane stopped a couple feet away, still drinking from her blood bag before stopping a moment later.

"Yes. Cute little pup, she is." Jane smiled as I looked at the two confused. Feeling a small bit of fear. "She's in the garden." Hearing that, Eli quickly left. Still concerned, I followed. Jane too.

Knowing the place like the back of our hand, It didn't take long for us to reach the Royal Garden's, but when we did, we were greeted by the sounds of laughter and painful groans.

Jane and looked at each other, Eli searching for something before we heard someone get punched. Jane dropped her blood bag and we immediately rushed over to where the sounds were coming from.

Running past some hedges, we saw Alex on the ground all bloody with three teens surrounding her. Next thing I know, I hear the most powerful, bone chilling growls that shook the earth.

Letting out a shaky breath, eyes wide, out of instinct, I instantly dropped down to bow. Troubling in fear while in the corner of my eyes, I saw Eli and Jane's nails shared. Shaking in anger as they stared at the scene in front of them.

Someone's going to die tonight.


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