Chapter 27

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Alex's POV

I took slow, deep breaths. The heat unbearable. Staring down at the cards in my hands with a blurry vision, trying to refocus them only to fail. The pounding headache wasn't helping either.

Closing my eyes and resting my head against my hand, I tried to say something but it didn't come out right.

My words were weak, barely above a whisper, as they sounded like gibberish. Soon, my ears started to ring.

I shook my head to get rid of the ringing but that didn't work. My ears flatten against my head whilst I leaned further into my hand.

What's wrong with me?

Through my drowsiness, I felt a hand touch my forehead, feeling how warm I am. Slightly opening my eyes sleepily, there standing right beside me was Starfire who was staring down at me with extreme worry.

She flipped her hand so her knuckles were now against my sweaty skin. Her skin was cold. I liked it. It's helping with the headache, somewhat.

"You're burning up." She mumbled as I leaned into her hand. Letting go of the cards I was holding.

I think I'm about to pass out with how it feels like I'm actually being baked right now. It's so hot that even Hell's flames would be jealous.

We were just in the middle of playing Go Fish with me about to finally win when I suddenly started feeling all weird. Like I was sick but it was way worst that the other times I was under the weather. It's really intense. Too intense.

Everything is spinning. My entire body is aching. My head is getting worse. My mouth tasted like the desert. And it feels like my ears are about to pop out of my skull.

Feeling an arm go under my knees and another on my back, I was suddenly in someone's embrace as they carried me over to the bed.

Looking up with my hazily vision, the only thing I could make out was the red hair. It was Starfire. She gently placing me down on the bed before putting the covers over me.

But it was too hot for covers. It made me feel stuffy. I let her know this by letting out a loud whined and kicking the blanket off of me. That seemed to work since she didn't attempt to put the blanket back over me.

After that, nothing happened for a while, so I started drifting off to sleep. Only to snap out of it when a cold washcloth was placed on my head which sent shivers down my spine.

I reached up to touch the washcloth but my hand was slapped away. I let out a loud whine, shifting away from the evil red head that dare hit me. I am clearly unwell, only an evil person would hit a sick, defenseless girl.

Looking the only way from the mean bully, I closed by eyes and slowly slipped unconscious without any disturbance this time.

I was sitting in a void like place, nothing like the forest that I grew accustomed to. Instead of being surrounded by trees, I was surrounded by only darkness with a lake in-front of me that glowed brightly.

Sitting there confused, I leaned forward and saw my reflection in the water. I began to study myself since there was nothing else to do.

I studied my long silver hair, ice-blue eyes, light skin, perked up wolf ears, the wolf sitting next to me, dry lips, small nose, long lashes-there's a wolf sitting next to me!

My head shot to the left to see a small wolf sitting there calmly. It's fur silver like my hair.

Gulping, I quickly crawled backwards away from it. It turned to look at me with eyes the same as mine. I ignored that, only crawling away until I was a few feet away from the creature.

Seeing the fear on my face, his head tilted to the side. Really looking at him, he's really pretty for a boy.

'It's rude to assume someone's gender.'  I gasped, looking around to see where the soft, female voice came from. When I saw no one else, I turned back to the wolf. "You're're a girl?"

'Yup' The wolf said, popping the p. This is really weird. How come I'm talking to a wolf? 'Because I'm your other half.' What?

"What are you talking about?" I frowned, leaning forward slightly, staring at the wolf with suspicion. "I don't have a wolf."

'But you do.' The wolf voiced, which made me more confused. Omegas don't have wolves. I think. I mean...I've never heard of another omega having a wolf. Then again, I've never meet another omega to confirm that.

Omegas are so rare that there's not a lot of information about them and because of the war, the information people gathered was lost.

Looking at the wolf who stared back, she slowly inched her way over to me. I didn't move as she got closer and closer until her face was inches away from mine. At least she's not biting my face off.

'You're my human, I your wolf. I would never harm you.' She said, licking her muzzle. 'My name is Mist.'

Hearing that, I felt a sudden bond form between us. Before either of us could think, we leaned forward, our foreheads now touching.

Words slipped out of me like a river."I am, Alexandra. Nice to finally meet you."

The wolf-Mist smiled. 'It's nice to finally meet you too, my trouble human.'

My eyes snapped open, shooting up from the bed in enormous amount of pain, I fell of the bed which didn't hurt since everything hurt already.

The grip on the bedsheets I had as I sat up teared them with the help of my claws. I gripped my hair tightly as I growled, feeling my teeth slowly sharpened.

I have to...I have to go outside. Now!


Author: I was rushing

Author: I was rushing

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