It's Never Too Late

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“Uh Lan Zhan do you have a second?” Wei Ying walked into the room with more hesitation than Lan Wangji expected.

It was no secret the two had been friends for years. Best friends. As an alpha, Lan Wangji had been warned how he needed to treat Wei Ying who had presented as an omega. Wei Ying was just Wei Ying. 

Him being an omega didn't change the fact that Lan Wangji was in love with him. Omega, alpha, merman, he didn’t care. Wei Ying was his forever. Always had been, always would be.

But they were eighteen and Lan Wangji knew he wanted to have a future with Wei Ying that he could be proud of. His life goals simply to be in love and support and protect Wei Ying. Always. 

Lan Wangji had to motion for Wei Ying to sit on the bed next to him. Which was weird. Wei Ying had never been shy about affection. Usually slipping into Lan Wangji’s lap or sitting as close to him as possible. Right now, he was standing in the middle of the room leaving Lan Wangji on the bed.


It just felt wrong.

“Wei Ying is everything okay?” He said cautiously.

“Yeah. Well I mean no but yes … I guess it depends what you think of- Lan Zhan what is that?” Wei Ying asked pointing to the envelope on Lan Wangji’s desk. 

“An acceptance letter.”


Lan Wangji bit the inside of his cheek. He’d only ever wanted to attend one university. His mother’s alma mater. Besides their prestigious music program, it was the place that shaped his mother. The woman he lost when he was barely old enough to have memories of her. This was the way that Lan Wangji could have a bit of her. Understand the woman who had given him life. Understand who she was before she had been taken from this world. 

He’d talked to Wei Ying about it before. Late at night, side by side on the roof staring up at the stars. Wei Ying still undecided on what he wanted on his future. Encouraging Lan Wangji to move forward because there was no reason to hesitate if it’s what he truly wanted. 

So, Lan Wangji had applied. He’d gotten a full academic scholarship and was invited to start their early initiative program. A helpful weeklong transition that begins in winter, allowing freshman to get a taste of the campus and expectations. Few are invited and Lan Wangji had made the cut. 

He’d opened the letter as soon as he got home from school and had been sitting on his bed trying to figure out how to tell Wei Ying that not only would he be gone during their last winter break together but come summer, Lan Wangji would live in a whole other country.

The alpha knew he had to confess before he got on that plane. His best friend deserved to know the truth he kept hidden in his heart. They had always kept each other firmly in a sort of ‘friend zone’. The only sidestep out of that was when they dealt with their alpha and omega natures.

Lan Wangji had always been weak to Wei Ying’s pleas. His friend asking for help him with his heat because he trusted Lan Wangji? 

The alpha had never felt such a connection to his baser instincts. Lan Wangji couldn’t lie some caveman part of his brain had filled with pride that this gorgeous omega had asked him. He was worthy of Wei Ying?! 

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