heroic aftermath

450 11 3

All violence happens off screen but just in case!
CW: mentions of violence, blood, WWX’s canon cynophobia

A typical night hunt goes south quickly as Wei Wuxian gets severely injured protecting the juniors.

They are understandably not okay with this, and try to deal with the aftermath of what they went through while taking care of a comatose Wei Wuxian.

They were in for a long night ahead of them.

Normally, they had nothing to fear on night hunts.

Normally, anything that gave them real trouble would be taken out swiftly and easily by any of their ever present and capable seniors.

Normally, nothing went wrong.

They didn’t expect what happened that night.

Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi hurriedly carried Wei Wuxian’s bleeding and broken body into the closest inn they could find as Ouyang Zizhen fumbled with medical supplies behind them and Jin Ling quickly demanded for and swiftly got them a room to put Wei Wuxian in.

Time seemed to be a blur as they each focused in a distant yet frenzied way on supplying Wei Wuxian with as much spiritual energy as they could, taking care to open his robes enough so that the worst of his wounds could be dealt with without injuring the man even further.

Initially Lan Sizhui was the one who attempted to take on the task of bandaging and taking care of Wei Wuxian’s wounds, but his hands ended up shaking too much to properly do it, so Ouyang Zizhen had to take over even though he himself wasn’t much more composed. Lan Jingyi took Lan Sizhui to a corner to help calm him down despite being shaken himself and Jin Ling had positioned himself at the door, sword ready and body keyed up to fight an enemy that was no longer around.

Not long after Ouyang Zizhen started cleaning the (many) wounds and applying the (many, many) bandages, Wei Wuxian let out a small whimper of pain that had all of them immediately turn their heads his way. However, he went quiet again just as fast, back into a state of silence and stillness that felt so unnatural on Wei Wuxian.

Images flashed through their memories: a seemingly typical night hunt ending with them accidentally getting stuck in a benign curse that made it so that they couldn’t move. Wei Wuxian had laughed at their predicament, and was on his way to help them break the curse when suddenly they weren’t alone. Dozens of dog yao, of all things, appearing out of nowhere right when they were incapacitated and incapable of moving, of helping, and Wei Wuxian standing in front of them, shaking and more terrified then he would have ever shown had the enemy been anything, anything else. Yet he was determined to protect them, even as he took hit after hit, bite after bite. Some of his blood had splashed on them a few times, and they were determined to ignore every such stain on themselves, because once they acknowledged it…

Lan Sizhui began to pace about, with Lan Jingyi trying in vain to get him to sit down. Jin Ling punched the wall a few times, and Ouyang Zizhen continued numbly applying bandages. This all went on for a bit until finally everyone began to relax, not completely, not at all, but enough to sit down around Wei Wuxian and try to decide on what they would do as they waited for Wei Wuxian to wake up.

Ouyang Zizhen suggested one of them go to fetch Hanguang-Jun, but no one wanted to be the one to leave, each of them hesitant not only to be separated from Wei Wuxian but also from each other. They decided on sending a message along instead, even though it’d take a bit longer.

Lan Sizhui thought of the instant messaging invention Wei Wuxian was currently working on and found himself clutching Wei Wuxian’s hand, wishing he were awake and there for them. He felt childish – he was an adult now, so he shouldn’t be so scared, shouldn’t be so whiny and immature, but he couldn’t help but feel terrified of what could have happened

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