a lesson to never forget

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On a trip with the juniors, wei wuxian does his best to protect them from a monster. he succeeds - and promptly faints.

Wei Wuxian is fine , really.

He doesn’t have a concussion, honest. He’s just a little dizzy and he’s maybe a bit tired but that doesn’t mean he has a concussion. Blinking black spots out of his eyes is perfectly normal, actually, it’s definitely not a sign that he’s about to pass out.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter, because they ( they being Wei Wuxian and his favorite juniors) need to get out before they all die and as Wei Wuxian is the leading expert in dying and how it feels seeing as he’s actually, y’know, died , as the ultimate authority on this subject he makes the executive decision to leave before they’re all decapitated.

“Jin Ling!” Zizhen screams.

Wei Wuxian turns and throws a palisman at the demon-creature-thing right before it could brain his nephew’s brain. He falls back, fingers dancing over the holes on his flute desperately as the juniors run ahead.

The wind picks up, whipping around him as the resentful energy bends to his commands.

The demon-creature-things are pushed back and Wei Wuxian takes the opportunity to sprint towards the direction the juniors went. He stumbles more than a few times on his way but keeps going. He doesn’t have the dexterity nor the skill to play the flute well enough while running for his life so he keeps as tight a hold on the resentful energy as he can and prays it’s enough.

It has to be.

Finally, he catches up to the juniors, who found a clearing to collapse in. He scans them for injuries–Jin Ling has a few bruises; Jingyi has a long scratch going down his right arm but it’s extremely shallow and already clotting; Zizhen has a black eye; and Sizhui has a cut on his cheek, not to mention all of them have various bruises.

Still, they’re okay, and Wei Wuxian lets out a relieved sigh.

“Wei-qianbei!” Jingyi shouts when he spots Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian grins at him and strides towards the juniors, who are all scrambling to sit up and be respectful.

“Aiya, none of that!” he says, waving them off as he drops down next to Sizhui.

“Wei-quianbei,” Sizhui says, staring at a spot on Wei Wuxian’s face. “Are you all right?”

“Hmm? Of course, I’m fine!”


“You all did incredibly,” Wei Wuxian says firmly, cutting off Sizhui. “That was an unknown creature and you underestimated it, but you were able to get your footing back and be aware of when you were overwhelmed.”

“But we ran away!” Jin LIng burst out, frustration written all over his face.

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