My name is Lan Zhan and my type is...Wei Ying.

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Wei Ying convinces his roommate Lan Zhan to make a dating app video…

Wei Ying tapped his foot. “Lan Zhan, I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to distract me! But I refuse to be distracted from this! Now…action!”

“My name is Lan Zhan and I am 29 years old. I have never been in a relationship. I have actually never even kissed anyone.”

“What?” Wei Ying interrupted.

“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, you gotta get yourself a girlfriend!”

Lan Zhan dropped his fork into his salad and looked at his roommate. His oblivious roommate. The man he had been hopelessly in love with for more than five years.

“I don’t want a girlfriend,” he replied sternly and pointedly.

Wei Ying cleared his throat. “You just think you don’t. That’s because you’ve got too comfortable here, looking after me. I’ve been sucking all your life force out of you. It’s not good for you or for me really.”

“It’s not good for you?” What was this? Some sort of ambush? Lan Zhan had been looking forward to a quiet Saturday of uninterrupted Wei Ying time. They were going to watch bad tv, eat too much and maybe later Wei Ying would fall asleep on him and Lan Zhan would have the pleasure of carrying him to bed, maybe get to stroke his hair back from his beautiful sleeping…

“Let’s make a video.”

Wei Ying’s words pulled Lan Zhan out of his fantasy. “What?” he asked.

“Let’s make a video, there’s this retro dating site where you send in videos! So we make a video of you and you say what you’re looking for in a girl and boom! You’ll have about 1 million women wanting you in minutes!”

“1 million?”

“At least! I mean, I know you’re quite modest but you have seen yourself in the mirror right? You are significantly more attractive than the average bear.”

Lan Zhan huffed out an amused sound. “Is that Wei Ying’s opinion?”

Wei Ying blushed and coughed. “Anyway, let’s do the video! I’ll set up my phone.”

Wei Ying set up his phone so it was recording and made Lan Zhan sit in front of it. Lan Zhan swallowed. “Wei Ying, I am not good at…verbally expressing myself.”

“And that’s where I come in! Don’t worry I will school you the whole way. My charm and your looks? An unstoppable combination!”

Lan Zhan wanted to agree but he knew Wei Ying didn’t mean them to combine in the way Lan Zhan wanted them to combine so he kept his mouth shut. He didn’t really want to do the video but at least he still got to hang out with Wei Ying and maybe he could distract Wei Ying at some point and they would forget all about this whole ridiculous thing.

“And action!” Wei Ying said, gesturing behind the camera for Lan Zhan to start talking.

Lan Zhan stared at the camera.

“And cut. Lan Zhan! Come on! Show them all that amazing Lan sincerity!” Wei Ying cried.

“Wei Ying, what if we went for a walk first? To clear my head.” Lan Zhan tried.

Wei Ying tapped his foot. “Lan Zhan, I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to distract me! But I refuse to be distracted from this! Now…action!”

“My name is Lan Zhan and I am 29 years old. I have never been in a relationship. I have actually never even kissed anyone.”

“What?” Wei Ying interrupted. “Errr…cut!”

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