The Death of the Yiling Patriarch

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Wei Wuxian, an accomplished cultivator, had turned to the dark side. Demonic cultivation. Hunted for months, he was eventually cornered into fighting in Nightless City. Was this where he would meet his end? At least he died by Hanguang-Jun's side...
Or: what if Wei Ying got stabbed instead of Jiang Yanli

Hey everyone, i'm sorry for not posting in so long - hope you enjoy this!
This was a random idea I had while watching the Untamed (for the 91471048th time) and I wrote it very quickly, so I hope there are no mistakes haha. Let me know what you think about it in the comments, I will probably continue with some additional chapters as it's not really complete :)


Wei Wuxian paused on the roof, and Lan Wangji watched as a look of utter horror came over his face.

"Shijie!" Wei Wuxian replied, eyes frantically darting around the bloody battlefield.

"A-Xian! A-Cheng! Where are you?" Jiang Yanli called out. Wei Wuxian immediately flew down and began searching, fighting past puppets and people alike. As every second ticked by, Lan Wangji knew Wei Wuxian was running out of time.

There was simply no time to save his beloved shijie, not as Wei Wuxian's eyes widened, and he called out a warning. Too late, Jiang Yanli turned to face him and was struck in the back with a sword. She cried out, falling forward and Wei Wuxian continued fighting through the crowd of people who wanted nothing more than for him to die and rot in hell forever.

Lan Wangji also suffered as he fought his way towards Wei Wuxian. His wounds stung and burned, yet he continued, for there was nothing in this world, even death, that could deter him from reaching Wei Wuxian. After all, Wei Wuxian was his soulmate, his zhiji. Wei Wuxian finally reached Jiang Yanli only to find Jiang Cheng already cradling her in his arms.

"Jie," Jiang Cheng cried. "Don't worry, you'll be okay, we'll be okay..." His eyes narrowed as Wei Wuxian fell to his knees in front of them.

"Didn't you say that you could control it?" Jiang Cheng's anger flared.

"I could! I thought I could, I don't know what's happening..." Wei Wuxian trailed off. It was true - he had somehow lost control, at some unknown point during the siege.

"A-Xian," Jiang Yanli begged him "Please stop it!"

Wei Wuxian nodded, tears streaming out of his eyes.

"Yes, yes, I'll stop it!" He brought up his flute and played. Almost instantaneously, the resentful energy left the puppets, gathered up in a huge cloud and was absorbed by Wei Wuxian's body. He coughed up blood, the resentful spirits too strong for even him.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Wangji cried out, still all too far away.

"Shijie, I've stopped it now, I've stopped it..." Wei Wuxian said breathlessly. It felt like the air had been punched out of his lungs.

"He's stopped fighting - the Yiling Patriarch has stopped fighting!"

"Go get him!"

"Wei Wuxian must die today!"

Lan Wangji dragged himself towards Wei Wuxian, blood streaming from his shoulder. All the shouting about killing the Yiling Patriarch had gone to the cultivators' heads, and all of them wanted the glory of killing the "most evil man". Lan Wangji stumbled, only mere metres away from Wei Wuxian and watched as a Lan Clan disciple came up behind his zhiji.

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