try me

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Wei Ying attempts to tease his boss, Lan Zhan, in the efforts to get a reaction out of him, only to have it completely backfire.

“Wei Ying, do you have the papers ready?”

Wei Ying rushes up the stairs as he holds his phone close to his ear, Lan Zhan’s deep voice still echoing in his mind.

“Gimme a sec Lan Zhan!”

He practically jumps the rest of the stairs, the papers tight in his grasp as he dashes through the doors, ignoring the looks people give him as he continues his fast pace.

Everything had been going perfectly fine, and then he just had to have gotten that tea spilled all over him!

If it weren’t for that, he wouldn’t have had to spend ages trying to get rid of the very obvious stain on his shirt, and there was absolutely no way he could go to his boss like that.

Speaking of his boss…

“Wei Ying.”

“Ah, I’m coming Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying quickly speaks into the phone, smiling in relief when he reaches the floor.

He ends the call, pockets his phone and quickly sorts the stash of papers in his hands to give them a neat look as he walks towards the office.

Giving a knock, he immediately hears an “enter.”

Lan Zhan is sitting at his desk, his golden eyes fixed on some document on the table. His hair is perfectly neat, except for the couple of strands that have loosened at his forehead and dropped forward.

Wei Ying thinks he looks as beautiful as ever.

He shakes the thought out of his head — how long has it been? A year? He has been working for Lan Zhan for a whole year now, and during that time he had developed a crush for the man himself.

But could you blame him, when he was working for easily the most handsome man he has ever seen in the world?

Wei Ying smirks to himself at the thought — Lan Zhan truly is unmatched, completely incomparable.

“What is funny?”

Wei Ying startles at the sudden break of silence, “Ah it’s nothing Lan Zhan,” he looks at Lan Zhan, and sees his eyes fixed straight at him, an unreadable expression on his face.

After a short moment, he says “Mn.”

If Wei Ying didn’t know any better, he thought he saw a flash of sadness in the man’s eyes, but when he tries to look again, Lan Zhan’s gaze is back on the paper at his desk.

Shaking the thought away, he walks forward and places the pile in his hand on the tray to Lan Zhan’s left.

“Thank you.” Lan Zhan nods in acknowledgement.

Wei Ying grins, then leans forward, “So what are you doing Lan Zhan?”

Lan Zhan doesn’t say anything, and just keeps his gaze fixed on the paper in front of him, his eyes slowly scanning the contents.

That’s okay, Wei Ying muses, he just needs to get one reaction from him, then he will stop.

“Lan Zhan~” he sings.

Still nothing. 

Well then, he will just have to take it further!

“Lan Zhan,” he sits on the desk. What prompted him to do this he did not know, but what he did know was that he was overcome with the sudden urge to tease the hell out of his boss, at least until he acknowledges his attempts.

Lan Zhan still doesn’t look up.

Aiyo, what’s with this guy? Wei Ying frowns at Lan Zhan’s consistent lack of reply.

Taking it a step further, he leans in so his mouth is dangerously close to Lan Zhan’s ear. He grins in victory when he sees him stiffen.

“Lan Zhan,” he whispers, tantalisingly close to Lan Zhan’s now red ear.

Perfect! Now we’re talking, he grins.

Edging close on the desk to the man, Wei Ying stares at Lan Zhan’s ear, at the red skin that looks so soft, so biteable.

Lan Zhan still hasn’t looked up, and to Wei Ying, that’s not okay.

He closes the gap between his lips and Lan Zhan’s ear, and teases the touch of his tongue on his skin.

In the next moment, Wei Ying’s axis completely changes and suddenly he’s lying against the desk with two arms caging him in.

He stares, mouth parted and eyes wide at Lan Zhan who’s over him and gazing with such an intensity he has never seen before.

Wei Ying feels his face hotten and his heart race at their position, but before he can say anything, Lan Zhan pulls away, leaving a slightly breathless Wei Ying on the desk.

Coming back to himself, he realises he’s messed up the pile of papers and jolts upright, wasting no time to straighten them out, his mind a complete mess as he reels with what Lan Zhan did.

When he looks back at him, he sees obvious amusement in his eyes, and Wei Ying can’t help but stare at the raw emotion he is showing. It’s his first time seeing Lan Zhan so open with his emotions like that.

“Lan Zhan,” he breathes, getting lost in the golden glamour of his eyes.

“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan says, and Wei Ying can’t help but smile sunnily. His name on Lan Zhan’s tongue always sounded so perfect, and this time was no less.

He blinks, his mind still a hot, messy daze with what happened just seconds ago.

Lan Zhan steps closer to him, so that their faces are only inches apart. Wei Ying sucks in a hot breath at the sudden closeness, and can smell the beautiful scent of sandalwood. It takes everything in him not to breathe it in.

“You’ll be staying here tonight.” Lan Zhan suddenly says, his eyes dark.

Wei Ying swallows.

Lan Zhan’s eyes follow the movement.

“Overtime?” He weakly manages to get out.

And to Wei Ying’s utter disbelief, Lan Zhan smirks.


Safe to say that the next morning, Lan Zhan’s desk was ruined beyond repair, and Wei Ying was tasked with the duty of finding an easy replacement. Nothing too expensive or fancy, as Lan Zhan promised that Wei Ying would be working overtime everyday.


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