Wei Ying's Knight on Call

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When Wei Ying unknowingly drunk dials a stranger to come pick him up from a party, he doesn't expect the guy to actually show, much less be this beautiful.


“I’m at—” Pause for a hiccup, “At that party I told you about, and ‘m suuuuper drunk, so,” Another hiccup, Wei Ying leaning more heavily against the wall, “I’m being a very good adult and asking for a ride. Please!”

“. . .Do you know anyone else there?”

Wei Ying barely made out the words, and wow did Wen Ning sound different when Wei Ying was wasted. “Nope!” He answered cheerily, “Just some of ‘em, like a little bit, not real friends but like—Ac-quain-tan-ces. That’s the word, right? Jiang Cheng and your sister say to be extra careful when—” Another hiccup, followed by Wei Ying having to close his eyes and lean his head against the wall to make everything stop spinning, “—When drunk. Ya know? Of course you know.”

Another silence, and Wei Ying let it drag out longer as he swallowed down the sudden rise of nausea, taking deep breaths through his nose.

“What’s the address?”

Work Text:
The lights were blurring, the music was loud in his chest, and Wei Ying was having a blast.

The fact that he couldn’t stand straight or speak without slurring, and he’d lost the sight of anyone he knew didn’t damper his spirit, but he knew when to call it quits because he was a responsible adult who could notice his limits, unlike what some stupid brother always said, fuck you Jiang Cheng.

Wei Ying found an empty pocket of space in the crowded club, in a hall near the back door. He leaned against the wall for support, phone held in both hands, holding it up close to his face to try and counter the room spinning and get his vision to work to navigate to his contacts.

He’ll call Wen Ning to come pick him up, because he’s a very good at this whole adult-ing thing and will not get in a stranger’s car this shit-faced, and Wen Ning is an angel who will definitely not mind coming to get Wei Ying at—Wei Ying squints on the small numbers on his phone—2 AM?

Wei Ying managed to hit the little green phone icon, and let out a little whoop! Under his breath as his success. Oh! Wait, hadn’t Wen Ning just told Wei Ying that he got a new phone today? With a new number? He’d written it down for Wei Ying before he left for the party but Wei Ying had only glanced at it and forgot to save it into his contacts.

Wei Ying closed his eyes and tried to recall the neat numbers written on the hot pink sticky note, and hummed with satisfaction when they came to his mind. He was so smart. And responsible. Take that, Jiang Cheng.

He typed with both of his thumbs, his motor skills shot to hell as he painstakingly entered in the number he perfectly recalled, grinning at the thought of gloating about this later to his friends. They’d be so impressed.

Wei Ying clicked call when he finished, holding the phone to his ear and cupping both hands around it, to try and hear over the heart-thumping music and alcohol swirling in his head.

Wei Ying counted five rings before Wen Ning picked up, but Wei Ying was shocked he was able to wake him on the first try, usually his friend slept like the dead.

“I’m being re’ponsible!” He said smugly as soon as he heard the phone connect, “You have to come pick me up!”

There was silence on the other line, and Wei Ying waited politely for two seconds before continuing.

“I’m at—” Pause for a hiccup, “At that party I told you about, and ‘m suuuuper drunk, so,” Another hiccup, Wei Ying leaning more heavily against the wall, “I’m being a very good adult and asking for a ride. Please!”

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