only the good die young

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Wei Wuxian is drunk and gets hurt walking home to Lan Wangji.

He’s dizzy in the fun kind of way as he walks home. Wei Wuxian was drinking and hadn’t been able to have fun like that in a very long time. He left the bar at midnight, an hour before he promised he would be at his apartment. Lan Wangji was waiting for him there, most likely asleep on the couch as he tried to stay up for his boyfriend. He was forced to stay inside instead of coming with Wei Wuxian because of school work and having to grade papers for his class he interned for.

His steps are solid on the ground but lilt here and there and he makes his way through the streets. It’s a city so the noise is loud of cars still but not as much during rush hour. It gives a sense of calm he never feels during the day. He loves seeing the night life and everything come alive but he doesn’t miss being up so late. He doesn’t mind being in bed at ten to see his boyfriend curl into him crawling into bed. He doesn’t mind the early rises as Lan Wangji gets ready for his classes and watching him leave with a gentle and soft kiss.

Something is loud behind him and he isn’t sure what it is. He turns and only sees bright lights and soon he feels his knee burst into pain. He rolls onto something hot and glass breaks under him from the impact. He isn’t sure what’s happening still as he crashes onto the ground in front of the thing that hit him. Probably a car. Yeah, that would make sense.

There’s more sounds around him as other people pull over to check on the two. Somebody hovers over him and tries to ask him things. His ears ring too much to say anything and his throat burns. He tries to stand up but people push him back onto the ground, yelling at him something he still can’t make out.

“Gotta get home, gotta tell Lan Zhan. He has work tomorrow,” he’s mumbling. He isn’t sure what he’s saying but he can’t hold himself up like this anymore.

A cell phone ringing wakes Lan Wangji up. He stirs, sitting straight again in the cramped couch. He fumbles for his phone, answering it without a thought at the time. “Hello?”

“Is this Lan Wangji?” There’s noise in the back and Lan Wangji has a harder time making her out.

“Yes, this is. Why do you ask?”

“You’re Wei Wuxian’s emergency contact. There’s been a crash. He was walking and got hit by somebody that fell asleep at the wheel.” The lady is saying.

“He...Is he in the hospital?”

“On his way. I just got the call from the ambulance and was told to alert next of kin or emergency contact.”

Lan Wangji is barely able to copy down the hospital name he’s given as he puts his jacket on and flies out of the apartment. They don’t have a car because of how close they live to everything so he runs through the streets.

His headband is lopsided and his shoes are barely on when he gets to the entrance of the hospital and he can’t bring himself to care. He’s panting as he rushes through, taking care to at least put his shoes on right and straighten his headband.

The lady at the desk smiles tiredly at him, asking, “How can I help you?”

“I was called about Wei Wuxian being admitted. I am his emergency contact, Lan Wangji.”

“Can I have some ID?”

He hands her over his ID card numbly, very glad he picked the jacket he was wearing earlier. She types a couple things down, humming gently as she works before smiling back at him.

“He’s in the emergency room right now. They’re prepping him for surgery for some internal injuries but he will be fine. I will call them to let them know you’re waiting for him. If you follow the directory, you’ll be able to find where to go. Just go to the desk again and specify who you are.”

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