Chapter 09

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The sun's gentle rays filtered through the curtains while Saanchi slowly stirred in her bed. She groaned as she tried to move and finally, she managed to open her eyes.

She found herself was on the bed, carefully tucked in. As she tried to remember what had happened to her in the last two days, a faint smile appeared on her lips.

" That was a dream... right? "

Saanchi recalled dreaming about waking up at midnight to see Abhay sitting by her side, crying and talking to her. She didn't remember anything he said, but she remembered his presence beside her.

" Wait, why am I smiling? And why am I dreaming about Abhay? ", she frowned at her own trail of thoughts.

Attempting to sit up, she felt the weight of her groggy limbs and the persistent cramps coursing through out her body.

Saanchi lifted her arms to push away the blanket and noticed a crumpled piece of paper in her palms. Someone had carefully tucked the note there, securing it in her grasp.

She cautiously unfolded it;

Last night, I came to check on you.

I found some secrets about you and your brother that I wanted to tell you but... you weren't conscious.
So I'm writing this letter to you.

I also replaced those medicine viles with water, so if they try to drug you again, pretend to be drugged.

I'm not sure when you'll wake up, but when you do, I hope you find this note and contact me soon.

- Abhay.

" Abhay? He was actually here... ", she whispered under her breath as she read and reread the letter. She is just a stranger to him, then why is Abhay going to such lengths for her?

Turning her attention outside, she saw it was already nearing noon. Saanchi hoped that both her brother and sister in law would be out of the house. With cautious steps, she walked out of the room and down the stairs.

Her muscles were stiff and each step reminded her of how long she hasn't walked. Somehow she managed to reach the living room, when the door swung open, and in walked Shalini and Anurag. Panic set in and Saanchi quickly ducked behind the sofa, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Anurag adjusted his tie while glancing at his wife with a serious expression.
" I've got a meeting tonight and I won't be home, so I need you to stay home and keep an eye on Saanchi. "

Shalini rolled her eyes.

" Do you think I am her maid? "

" I've told you this before, Shalini. Saanchi has to stay alive till she turns 21. Which means, she needs to eat and she needs to not over dose. You literally don't need to do anything but peek in her room every few hours to see if she's fucking breathing! ", Anurag snapped which shushed Shalini up. She forced a smile.

As Anurag left, Shalini quickly closed the door behind him and dropped her fake smile. She reached for her phone and dialed up someone.

Saanchi struggled to hear her.

" Hello baby... ", Shalini cooed, " Anurag won't be home tonight. It's the perfect opportunity for you and me to spend some time together. What do you say? Pick me up in 10 minutes. "

Saanchi's heart pounded as she watched her sister in law cheating on her brother. Not that she had any care for her brother's relationship status right now but she was still furious.

Soon, Shalini went in and dolled up to meet her lover. Saanchi heard a car engine outside, after which she left.

The house drowned in silence.

Realising that the house is to herself for some time, she decided to call Abhay over. She looked for her phone but realised that they probably got rid of it. Thankfully, she did find a spare phone in Anurag's cupboard which he used to order a meal from Uber Eats.

" Let Abhay be the delivery guy...! ", she prayed before tapping on the 'Order' button.

Saanchi sat in the living room, staring at the door. Each passing minute felt like an hour. She did contemplate why she was calling Abhay out of anyone she knew but then again, she had to no answer herself.

After twenty minutes, the doorbell rang and she rushes to open the door. Relief washed over her as she saw Abhay standing there.

Saanchi almost jumped and wrapped her hands around his neck. Tears she was holding back, finally fell free.
Abhay opened his mouth to say something but he has never consoled someone, so he decided to stay silent while his hands gently caressed her.

Saanchi was cozy in his arms but when she realised how she was hugging Abhay, she quickly pulled herself back.

" I- I'm sorry. ", Saanchi sighed.

Abhay smiled awkwardly before lifting up the huge food packet,
" I know you only ordered a small pack of french fries but I want you to have more, so I added a some more items in. You don't need to pay of course. It's all on me... "

Saanchi's eyes softened at his gesture.

They settled on the kitchen island, where Abhay prepared the food on plates and handed them to her.

She nibbled on the food as she watched him roll up his uniform and slicing up vegetables and stirring the pot. Unknowingly, she felt her heart starting to race.

" Are you cooking something? ", she asked and he turned around.

" Well, I grew up in an orphanage where I often fell sick. My warden used to make a home made stew that would instantly make me feel better. I'm no chef but I think I can make this one for you... I hope you'll like it. ", Abhay disclosed before placing the pot in front of her.

Saanchi took a sniff and the rich aroma felt healing. She pushed all the fast food aside and took a sip.

" Mhm... it's really tasty! ", Saanchi smiled as the warm stew warmed up her body from the inside. It was easier to eat, compared to the other solid food and she probably liked it way more because Abhay made it for her.

" I'm glad! ", Abhay smiled.

He looked at his bag and he remembered. Just as he was about to tell Saanchi about the family will, the front door creaked open.

Both looked at the door in horror as Shalini walked in. They thought about a hundred ways to hide but it was all too late.

Shalini has seen both of them.


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