Chapter 15

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Abhay winced as he rubbed the back of his head and found blood on his fingers. Saanchi held him as he fell to the ground, momentarily loosing his mobility from the hit.

Anurag stood there, a sinister grin on his face. He sneered, " Did you really think those tiny ropes could keep you safe from me, Saanchi? "

Abhay, slowly recovering from the sudden blow, looked up at him.

" I'll make sure both of you pay for this. ", Anurag said as he pointed at the huge bruise on his forehead. His gaze shifted between the two.

Fear flashed across her face when she saw a massive crowbar in his hands. That's what he used on Abhay and she knew Anurag will use it again.

She quickly composed herself.
" Anurag, I- I was the one who hit you. Let's not do something we all end up regretting. Keep that crowbar down. Anurag Bhaiya please! "

" Bhaiya? Is this how your treat your own brother? ", Anurag stepped towards Saanchi, " You're a big brat and as an older brother, it is my duty to fix that...! "

Saying so, he raised the crowbar in his hands and was about to swing it at her, but Abhay kicked his feet which made Anurag fall back.

Abhay and Saanchi quickly ran out of the basement and towards the front door. But Anurag's unsettling laughter made them pause on their tracks.

" You underestimated me. There is no point in running. I already called the police when I regained my consciousness. They'll be here soon to arrest Saanchi... ", Anurag laugh as he walked into the living room. He turned to face Abhay.
" You don't worry either. They'll also take you because you're an accomplice. "

" Arrest us? For what? You're the one who drugged me and kept me in that room against my will. You're the one who tried to kill me because you wanted my money! If anything, you're the one who's getting arrested. ", Saanchi retorted back which only made Anurag laugh even harder.

" Where's the proof? ", he asked.

Abhay and Saanchi exchanged glances.

" The medicine you used to inject in me are still in that room. When I tell them that you used unprescribed drugs on me, they'll nab you immediately. ", she said but Abhay pulled her back.

" I- I changed the medicine that night. If police do search them, they'll only find water in it. ", he stated and she winced at their own luck.

Abhay, unknowingly had destroyed evidence that could have helped them.

" Fine! ", Saanchi yelled, " but the drug is probably still in my blood. One drug test and it'll become obvious who the victim is! "

Anurag picked up his phone and searched something up before showing it to them.

" NeuroCalmX is not a drug that stays in your body. It's a calming medicine that works on your nerves and disappears in a couple days. These can't be traced, so good luck finding anything on that drug test! ", he smiled, knowing he had the upper hand in this situation.

" Wh-What about these needle marks on my skin? Won't these— ", she started but Anurag shook his head no before she could complete.

" Those needle marks will only confirm my statement. I told them my druggie sister attacked me today and locked me in the basement. When you show them the needle marks, they'll only be more convinced. ", he winked at them and Abhay felt furious.

Without a warning, he punched Anurag so hard that he fell to the ground. Blood spilling out of his mouth.

" You monster! I should have bashed your head and buried you in your own backyard, instead of your wife. ", Abhay growled and Anurag's eyes widened, his world unraveling before him.

He ran to the backyard and started digging the ground with his bare hands. Minutes later, he managed to unearth Shalini's lifeless body, and a gut-wrenching cry escaped his lips.

Anurag slowly walked back into the living room, his eyes glared at Abhay.

" You killed Shalini! You killed my wife! " Anurag roared and lunged at Saanchi, his hands closing around her throat in a merciless chokehold.

Saanchi gasped for breath.

Abhay tried to get Saanchi away from Anurag but it only tightened the grip.

" You took away someone who was dear to me, so I'll take someone who is dear to you... ", Anurag pressed on even tighter and Saanchi felt his eyes tear up. Her breathing almost stopped.

Abhay felt his entire face heat up in anger. He wanted to stay calm and get out of this whole ordeal in one piece, but it wasn't possible anymore.

He couldn't watch Saanchi loosing her life slowly, so he picked up the crowbar and swung it at Anurag's arm. Anurag winced in pain, loosening his hold on Saanchi.

Instead of stopping there, Abhay got on top of a bleeding Anurag and started stabbing him repeatedly. The blunt crowbar only made the bloodbath worse.

When Abhay returned to his senses, Anurag was long gone. Saanchi was by the side, covering her face to such a horrific scene.

" I killed him. ", Abhay muttered under his breath and Saanchi finally opened her eyes. She saw his face completely drenched with blood, a few scatters were on her as well.

Right then, they hear the police siren outside the house. Abhay and Saanchi exchanged glances before looking at Anurag's distorted dead body.

" Fuck... ", she muttered under breath.


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