Chapter 20

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The door to the new flat swung open, revealing an almost desolate house. It had some basic necessities like two beds, a few clothes and some kitchen appliances. The walls were white and empty, no sign of decoration in there.

" I didn't get any time to decorate or make this house look better. ", Saanchi said and turned around to face Abhay with a twinkle in her eye,
" This is our new beginning Abhay. Let's decorate our home and make it our own little haven...! "

Abhay smiled as Saanchi took him around the house, showing him every crook for their new house. Abhay noticed the bruises on her body were much better. Her hand that was previously purple and swollen from the needles were now back to normal.

The pressing question in his mind lingered like a shadow and he finally stopped.

" Saanchi, I need to know how you proved me innocent. Even though Anurag and Shalini were torturing you, there were no proof left— the medicine viles were gone and your body was clear of any traces. How did you manage to do it? "

Saanchi hesitated for a moment,
" Why do we need to talk about this, You're out of jail, isn't that enough? "

" It's not... Please, tell me. "

She let out a sigh of defeat and gave in. As they settled on to the bed, Saanchi started;

" Well, I tried desperately to find evidence of Anurag and Shalini drugging me but they were too smart. There weren't any tangible proof. So, I had to resort to planning fake evidence against them... "

" Fake evidence!? ", his eyes widened.

" The inspector came to meet me that day, offering to give me a deal where he clears my name from the case while sending you off to jail permanently. I knew I had to do something quickly. ", she explained.
" So I went to Anurag's room and got hold of his diary. Carefully studying his handwriting, I wrote a fake letter which revealed how he found out that Shalini cheated on him. In a fit of rage, he killed her and buried her in their backyard. In the end of that letter, I wrote that he will run away and start a new life, out of guilt. "

She continued, " That's all in the letter. I gave it to the inspector and lied that I, later stumbled upon this letter where he admits to killing his wife, I tried to intervene and call the police on him but Anurag, scared of getting caught, made a fake call to the police to trick them. Then he tried to attack me - which is where you come in and kill him to save me. "

Abhay sat there, gasping at the intensity of her lies. He was shocked but he was definitely more impressed.

" Was the letter sufficient proof? "

Abhay asked and she shook her head, no.

" The letter alone wasn't enough, so I had to create another fake story. Do you remember that day when we revealed to him that you buried Shalini in the backyard and Anurag tried digging Shalini's body out? "

Anurag nodded.

" The mud and some bits of Shalini's skin residue remained underneath his nails. After the post mortem, it became a huge proof against Anurag. ", she explained and then touched her neck. Abhay noticed a faint red bruise on her skin. It was old and healing.

He remembered how she got it from being choked by Anurag. Abhay gently touched the bruise and looked up.

" These marks on my throat were also an evidence. It proved that Anurag attacked me which made your actions justifiable... ", she let out a sigh.

Saanchi had spent the last few days trying her best not to think about Anurag dying and only focusing on getting Abhay out. But right now, reliving all those experience again made her sick.

" You're briliant, Saanchi. ", he muttered under his breath. Saanchi on the other hand, closed her eyes to push aside the haunting memories of the two murderers.

" I didn't want to think about them for a day but you left me with no choice. I- I need some fresh air. "

Saanchi quickly stepped away from Abhay and went to the balcony, where the cool breeze allowed her to calm down. On the other hand, Abhay, realised his own reality. Even though Saanchi doesn't blame him, he is the reason her entire family is dead.

He is a murderer.

Saanchi returned and saw a panic stricken Abhay. She went over to him and asked, " What's wrong? "

" You lied to protect me, but the truth is that I will always be a murderer. I will always be the one who took the life of your family...! "

Saanchi, dropped to her knees.

" Abhay, you are my family now and you are definitely not a murderer. Please don't think like this. ", she begged him but his eyes were fixated on his hands, the very hands that had has taken two lives.

" These hands have taken someone's life, Saanchi. How can you possibly love me? ", he asked.

Saanchi leaned forward and kissed his hands gently. " I love these hands and I love you even more Abhay. You're all that matters to me now. "

It took Abhay a considerable amount of time to accept that Saanchi did not blame him and certainly didn't see him as a murderer. For him, who had spent most of his life alone, being loved and understood was a whole new part that he had to learn.

Saanchi decide to move forward and enroll herself in a college, while Abhay sought help from a psychiatrist for his intrusive thoughts and hallucinations that still haunts him.

Abhay and Saanchi discovered the value of cherishing both the ups and downs of their relationship. Despite having their fair share of fights and disagreements, they couldn't stay away for long.

After all, they knew that they were each other's happy ending.


The End

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