Chapter 18

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The cold water hit Abhay like a shock, snapping him out of the hazy fog that had surrounded him all night.

Gasping for breath, he blinked rapidly, as he finally realised where he was and what has happened since last night. He remembered how he killed Anurag, now he was arrested, how Saanchi was trying to call him but he was too far gone to answer.

" Saanchi... " The name escaped his lips. His eyes darted around, scanning the room for any sign of her. Panic and confusion set in when he found his hands tied behind the chair.

" Where is she? Is she safe? Please, just let me see her! ", Abhay pleaded with one of the officers who sat across him. He was the one who threw the water at his face and the officer looked at him in suprise.

The guy he thought was mentally unstable last night, was forming clear sentence in the morning.

The staff ignored his pleas and exchanged glances while Abhay's frustration grew every passing minute, as he struggled to free himself.

" Fine! You don't need to do anything, just tell me that she is okay? ", he said. Right then, the front door of the police station swung open.

Abhay looked across and saw the same inspector who arrested him last night, walk in. The man looked extremely angry. Unknown to Abhay, he has just came back from Saanchi's house.

A few constable went ahead and informed him about Abhay's current status. In a minute, he walked in.

" I heard you were concerned for Saanchi? I would suggest you be concerned for yours, Abhay. You aren't leaving this jail cell any time soon... ", the inspector declared, his words echoing through the room.

" I- I don't remember what I said yesterday but you need to know the actual truth. I did kill Anurag but I did it out of self defence. I did it to protect Saanchi from her brother. ", he started but the inspector didn't seem interested. In terms of truth, he only wanted to hear him confess to the murder and go to jail.

His previous interaction with Saanchi already made him furious and Abhay's pleas only made it worse.

" Save your stories. You're in enough trouble as it is," he retorted back.

" I'm telling the truth, Officer. You have to believe me. Saanchi can vouch for me. Please, let me see her. ", he pleaded once more. That's when an idea played through the inspector's mind. He narrowed his eyes as a faint smile made way on his face.

" You think Saanchi would vouch for you? Well, let me tell you. I paid a little visit to Saanchi and she told me exactly what happened. ", the inspector smiles, " She confessed everything. She said that you killed Anurag because you were a pervert who kept stalking her. According to her, her brother tried to stop you and you couldn't tolerate that, so you decided to kill her brother! "

Abhay's mind raced, attempting to comprehend what he was saying.

" No, that's not true! You're lying! Saanchi wouldn't say such things. ", Abhay protested.

The inspector chuckled, " It's her word against yours, and given the circumstances, who do you think they'll believe? A mentally disturbed orphan or the victim from a rich family? "

" Also, I have documented proof. She called her lawyer and made a witness sheet for her to sign. It clearly states you as the murderer. ", the inspector say as he handed him the fake confession he and her lawyer made, in hopes of bagging the money.

Even though his driving force was money in the beginning, after being insulted by Saanchi, the inspector wanted to ruin whatever was left of their relationship now.

He smiled as he watched Abhay's hands tremble while reading the confession.

The inspector continued, his tone almost mocking him, " All she has to do is sign this paper and you'll be on your way to a nice, long stay in jail. "

Abhay's eyes filled up with tears as a heavy silence hung in the room.
In that moment, thinking that the person he believed loved him might have used him as a pawn to get a better life. Tears rolled down his eyes and he kept reminiscing every moment he spent with her. His heart echoed with a profound sense of loneliness.

" If that's what she wants, I'll confess to whatever she wants me to say... ",

As Abhay parted his lips to confess to the fabricated lies, the police door swung open, making everyone stop and look.

It was Saanchi.

The inspector's brows furrowed in,
" What's happening here? How did she manage to get in? Have the guards suddenly forgotten their duties!? "

Saanchi laughed in response.

" Oh, your guards are doing a commendable job Officer, but today, they can't keep me out," she said to the inspector before shifting her attention to Abhay. " I hope you didn't give them your official confession yet because I've got all the proof we need to show that you're innocent? "


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