Chapter 14

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Abhay and Saanchi found themselves on the terrace, as their lips met in a gentle kiss. Abhay quickly lifted Saanchi in his arms and carried her back to her room. The air buzzed with their laughter as they continued to exchange kisses.

Abhay gently threw Saanchi onto the bed and climbed on top of her.

In the midst of their kiss, Saanchi's fingers started tracing on Abhay's shirt and unbuttoning it. The touch of her hands against his skin ignited a spark within him. Abhay could feel the excitement coursing through his veins.

Desperate for more, he quickly took off his shirt and threw it at a side. Abhay went back to continue but noticed Saanchi starting to look a little tired.

He paused.

Saanchi was suprised and carefully touched his face, " What happened? Why did you stop? "

" You look tired Saanchi, I don't want to rush this. I want you to get better before we take things further... ", he whispered back as he kissed her forehead and got off her.

Abhay was about to reach out and grab his shirt but she stopped him.

" Are you trying to avoid sleeping with me because I look ugly? Because my body looks different now, all sickly and boney? ", she asked and he quickly took her in his arms.

" You must be crazy to think you're anything but gorgeous. You are and will always be the most beautiful girl in my life. ", Abhay said before pulling out from the hug. He gently cupped her face in between his hands.
" I will do as you say, Saanchi. We'll take things at your pace. "

A smile played on her lips as she felt his devotion towards her.

" I just want to feel loved Abhay... ",

She let out a breath and he swiftly cut it short with another kiss. His hands gently caressing her back, as they laid down on the bed again.

This time, Abhay didn't hold back.


Abhay slowly opened his eyes and looked around. For a minute he was confused as to where he was waking up, but then he recalled everything that had happened. He blinked away the remnants of sleep and turned to Saanchi.

Abhay's cheeks flushed red when he realized she was laying in her arms, the sheets barely covering her.

Even though Saanchi's eyes were closed, there was a mischievous smile on her lips.

" You can look, you know. I don't mind! ", she teased and he quickly looked away in embarrassment.

" I-I... I didn't mean to... "

She laughed while pulling him closer to her. She called his name and he cooled down under her touch.

Looking around, Abhay noticed the drakness outside the window. Panic flashed across his face as he sat up.

" Shit! I completely forgot, your brother might be back any moment now! I have to leave! ", he said as he somehow managed to put on his boxers and pants.

Saanchi realised that amidst everything, she forgot to tell him what she did this morning.

" He isn't coming back. ", she stated calmly and he stopped to look at her.
Confusion furrowed Abhay's brow.

" What do you mean? "

A seriousness replaced Saanchi's playful expression, " I... took care of Anurag. He won't be bothering us anytime soon. You can stay. "

Abhay's eyes widened, " Took care of him? What do you mean? "

Saanchi's gaze shifted to the ground and she admitted, " I may have used the frying pan to knock him out... "

She said and looked up at Abhay to see his reaction. His initial shock made her twist in guilt.

" Please don't be mad. I know this probably complicated everything but I had to. He was there and I had to hurt him somehow. "

She tried to explain but he smiled.

" I'm not mad Saanchi. You did what was needed to be done. I should've done it myself... I'm proud of you. "

Saanchi let out a sigh of relief.

" But we do need to check on him. Where is he right now? ", he asked and Saanchi informed him how she tied him up in the basement and locked the door.

They both quickly got dressed and headed downstairs towards the basement, only to find the door wide open. Abhay's eyes widened as he stepped inside, observing the torn ropes. Saanchi looked around and wondered how he could have gotten out of there when she locked the door.

Soon, she find the broken lock and a fire extinguisher on the floor. She understood that Anurag used it to break the lock and get out of there.

Panic gripped both of them.

" He probably gained consciousness and managed to get out. He might have gone to the police or— "

Before Abhay could finish his sentence, a sudden impact on his head left him staggering. Saanchi turned to see Anurag standing there, a crowbar in his hands.


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