2023 Christmas and Chopper Birthday Special: My Brother, the Reindeer

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AN: Merry Christmas everyone, and I wish a happy birthday to my beloved Tony Tony Chopper from One Piece! I had the idea to write not only a Christmas special for the whole crew, but also a birthday special for my shapeshifting Reindeer son Chopper. I'm very happy that Netflix's live action adaptation of the legendary anime and manga got into this wonderful series this year since a lot of good things were happening in its community. Oda should be proud of how far his series has come and with the fans both old and new to support him along the way! Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas this year, and here's to me celebrating Chopper's birthday for the first time; art by me!

As a quick add on, I'm making Meloetta's Relic Song the lullaby Mirai hums or sings to Chopper cause it's such a beautiful, underrated tune!

Five years ago....

She heard the tiny footsteps come to her doorstep as she laid there in her bed curled up to stay warm from the cold temperatures outside of Drum Castle. Mirai sat up as she watched Chopper open the door to her bedroom with a saddened look on his face. He was clutching his hooves in a nervous way as he stepped inside. "Chops, why are you up this late at night?" Mirai asked in a groggy way as she rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Shouldn't you be asleep?"

Chopper nodded, but then said, "I couldn't sleep. I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight?" Mirai smiled and nodded, gesturing Chopper to climb onto her bed. Kureah usually didn't mind this, since she loved both of her "kids" dearly and often smiled whenever she checked on them at night, seeing them snoozing together like siblings. Chopper's eyes lit up as he giggled and climbed up onto Mirai's bed, the hybrid helping him up as she sat him on her lap and stroked his head.

"Now now Choppy, what happened?" Mirai asked him. "Well...I was having a bad dream that I couldn't find you, and I thought I lost you and...and..." Chopper sniffled as he spoke, not knowing what else to say as he placed his head on Mirai's chest. Stroking his back, Mirai then said, "I'm not going anywhere, Chops. I'm always going to be by you, but if something were to happen to me, or if you can't find me..." Chopper looked back up at Mirai, a few tears still in his eyes and Mirai placed her hand on his chest. "I'll forever be here. In your heart. Just like how you'll be in mine if something were to happen to you."

He then nodded in response, thanking Mirai for cheering him up as he hugged her, Mirai soon stroking his back again as she repaid his thank you. After the hug, Mirai then said, "Christmas is coming up, and so is your special day." She smiled, making a lightbulb flash in his head. "You're right. It's not too far away," he replied. He then giggled to himself when he thought about his birthday coming up. Mirai always did something special for him every year to show how much she loved him as a sibling. Mirai heard her brother's giggles and couldn't help but giggle herself.

"You think Mother will do something for Christmas this year like with what she did last year?" Mirai then asked Chopper, looking back up at her. He shrugged in response, saying, "You mean Doctress? Maybe. Who knows?" Mirai nodded again. It was always surpring to find out that Kureah would do Christmas at the castle for the three of them. It was a way to show how much she loved them.

Mirai then yawned as she fell back on her bed, almost making Chopper fall off. She did gesture Chopper to get under her bed covers, and he did just that, getting warm by the warmth of the covers. "Sleep well Chopper. See you tomorrow...and also for Christmas and your birthday," the hybrid said as she shut her eyes.

Chopper also wished Mirai a goodnight as he laid there and looked up at the ceiling, arms out of the bed covers. He smiled to himself, excited to see what Mirai would do for him this year as moonlight poured into the bedroom Mirai called home.

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