Oneshot: Of Half-Monsters and Scientists

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"Hey. Why exactly did you want me over here?" Manta asked when she eyed Toad. "Eh, nothing much. Figured we could use a little help around the workspace," he said rubbing the back of his head. "Besides...we didn't talk much back at the Orcinus meeting and I really wanted to speak with you more. After all, you are Orca's childhood friend from years back." Manta was about to speak, but she only nodded back in response.

Seeing the very place her childhood friend grew up at was something she never thought she'd see. When they were reunited, she remembered Orca telling her about her encounter with Dr. Virus. She explained that he was like a father to her since the deforestation and the awakening of her Monster form.

Manta had only heard of Team Virus, him, and even the Monster transformation potion ever since she became Orcinus' co-leader. She didn't know that they were basically behind the Soul Pots and Undeadification, but she did know what was in the Monster transformation potion and never revealed that secret to anyone besides to Orca of course.

Toad cocked his head when he saw Manta's sad look. "Hey...what's wrong? Wanna talk about it?" he asked. Manta could tell that he was trying to be nice, and she looked back at him saying, "I'm good. Just...thinking about things." Toad patted her shoulder. "I understand. You don't have to tell me if it's personal." Upon hearing him, she smiled. That was one of the first few times she had seen her smile.

"Well then, you ready?" he asked her, making her nod. With that, they walked into the building. Toad had actually asked Manta to come help out around the workspace, but he also did want to speak with her more. Even Anemone had taken interest in the half-Monster girl since she first saw her transform at the Team Virus main base while she was fighting the Undead army she had sat up. When she found out that Manta was coming over, she was quite interested.

When they walked into the workspace, Toad guided Manta through the ruckus as well as telling her to not mind the mess since he was used to Anemone's shenanigans ever since they became partners again. "So you and Anemone were partners...and you once worked for Team Virus before this?" Manta asked in shock. "Yeah. I...kind of hated myself for that. That's why I didn't like to talk about it with others." Toad sighed at the end, Manta returning his shoulder pat with one at him. "It's ok. I understand. I'm glad we have something in common," she said.

Toad returned her previous smile with one himself before an Amoeba Goonyan flew past the duo. "HEY! GET BACK HERE!" screeched a certain scientist as she dashed past the two. She didn't even see Manta as she chased after the Amoeba Goonyan. "What was she-" Manta was cut off by Toad explaining, "It's one of her Amoeba Goonyans. She was trying to replicate their powers and abilities through them basically. How she can make more of them is beyond me."

Speaking of Goonyan, they were actually there at the workspace. They saw and recognized Manta, and she waved at them. She at first saw them as weird, but after seeing how much Octo cared for them, she finally understood that fact. It was almost like how she and Orca cared for each other since they were kids. It placed a smile on her face seeing the amends they had been making since the battle at the base.

"Ah. You must be Goonyan. It's no shock I've never heard about you from Anemone," Manta told the half-Monster. "Yep, that's me, nyamo!" Goonyan replied with a smile. "What brings you here, nyamo?" Before Manta could reply, Toad explained that he had invited her over to help around the workspace and have a bit of a chat since they didn't get to speak much. Just as they were talking, Anemone came back with the Amoeba Goonyan in her hands, panting. "I WISH THEY WOULD STOP RUNNING FROM ME!" she screamed in agony before it disappeared.

She took a sip from a drink she had before spitting it out upon seeing Manta. "Well lookie here. If it isn't Orca's little bestie Manta. I see my darling Toad did invite you over after all," she said with a smirk on her face and doing a dramatic pose. Toad and Goonyan both eyed each other before Manta stared at Anemone in a weird fashion. "He did invite me over. You got a problem with that?" Manta snarled, a slight burst of power coming through her veins.

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