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The plan was simple, for the rest of the day You, Sam and Henry trailed the man and a girl who you assumed was his daughter around following them to a dilapidated building as night fell,

you all climbed up the steep stairs for what felt like hours,
until you spotted an open fire exit door on the thirty-third floor

'Look' you signed,
pointing to the door grabbing the brother's attention

'Let's check it out'
Henry signed back,
before carefully leading you all down the dark corridor


You cringed at the sound of broken glass breaking from under your shoes,

freezing in place alongside Henry, who quickly stopped his brother by putting his arm out in front of him

'Noisy?' Sam asked, looking back at you and Henry

'Noisy' Henry confirmed 'Remember what to do?'

You nodded, Henry then pulled out a small unloaded revolver, and handed it to you,
Before taking out his own gun

'Here hold this' you signed to Sam, handing him a small pocket knife from your coat pocket
'Be careful with it'

Sam nodded with a smile, before following You and Henry down the hallway, careful to not step on any more glass,

Joel's POV:

"Joel..Joel!!" my eyes shot open to see Ellie being held at gunpoint, her hands shaking as she held them up in surrender

I then rolled over onto my back to see a girl no older than Ellie standing over me aiming a revolver at my face and standing protectively in front of a young boy

"Eyes on me. Eyes on me"
the man who had Ellie at gunpoint blurted out seeking my attention "You don't have to worry about what to say..we don't wanna hurt you..we want to help you"

"Okay" I muttered,
crossing my arms as I kept eye contact with the man

"Okay..umm..I don't know what the next step is with something like this, but if I lower my gun..we didn't hurt you..so you don't hurt us..right?"
he stumbled over his words

"That's right" I replied with a deadpan look on my face

"That's a weird fucking tone man" he exclaimed in a panic


"That's just the way he sounds. He has an asshole voice, Joel tell him he's okay"
Ellie chimed in

"Everything is great."
I stated, staring intensely at the man

"Dude!" Ellie signed dramatically

"Fuck! Okay..listen..I'm gonna trust you"
the man said, as he finally steadied his breathing

Out of the corner of my eye,
I saw the girl begin to say something with her hands to the boy, who then turned to the man asking him something,
to which he gave a nod

"Yes.. But if either of you guys try anything.."
he gestures to his gun "yeah?"

"Yeah.." Ellie breathed out

The man then signalled for the girl to back down, so she took a step back from me still aiming the gun in my face,

"Can I sit up?" I asked her

"Yeah..slow..get up slow."
She mumbled, her voice shaking in fear, as she stood blocking my view of the younger boy

I pushed myself up slowly Into a seated position, holding my hands up

"Who are you?"
I slowly turned my head to the man who had Ellie at gunpoint

"My Names Henry..
that's (Y/N)" He gestured to the girl who stood at my feet
"And that's my brother Sam" He pointed behind her
"I'm the most wanted man in Kansas City..Although right now..my guess is you're running a close second.


Ellie's POV:

The five of us sat around the dim light of a camping lantern eating me and Joel's rations that we decided to share

"Where'd you get these?"
the man I now know as Henry asked

"From Bill...he's dead."
I replied earning an annoyed glare from Joel, that man has some serious trust issues

Joel surprisingly didn't scold me, but instead silently wrapped up his remaining piece of jerky and handed it to the young boy named Sam

He took it then turned to the girl called (Y/N) and signed something to her,
causing her lips to turn up into a soft smile

'Wow she is pretty'
I thought as I munched on my jerky

"He says thank you"
she translated, looking up at me and Joel with gratitude

"I'm guessing you don't have much, so this means a lot," Henry added

"How old is he?" I asked

Henry signed to Sam and Sam replied

"He's Eight"
(Y/N) chimed in on Sam's behalf

"Cool..how about you?"

"Oh uh I'm 15"

"Nice! I'm 14..
oh and my names Ellie"
I gestured to myself with a smile

"(Y/N)" she chuckled,
tucking a strand of hair behind her ear

Henry signed my name to Sam, and he made a positive gesture, that I assume meant something along the lines of 'awesome' or 'cool'

I then looked over to Joel, who had not yet introduced himself and slapped him on the knee, gesturing for him to join in

What would he do without me? I mean seriously his social skills need some work..

"I'm Joel. Look, you ate,
we didn't kill each other, let's call this a win-win and move on"

Henry brushed off the crumbs from his hands and shook his head
"Well..I'm betting..that y'all came up here to get a view of the city and plan a way out. And when the suns up..
I'll show you one."

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