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“You can only choose one, (Y/n)

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“You can only choose one, (Y/n). Say it now. ME, or HER?!”

I know forcing my love to choose under this pressure, especially when it involves her, is wrong.

I just can't take it anymore.

I realize I was wrong for leaving my other half when everything went perfectly between us, when she needed me the most. I wasn't there for my love, for her. I deserved to be loathed, to be reviled.

But for her to betray me again and again, after I repeatedly granted her a second chance to redeem herself.

I can't bring myself to love her.

Why, (Y/n)? What is there to think?! She almost killed you! She almost killed our child! Yet you still have a room for her in your heart?! That INCARNATION OF EVIL?!”

She may be my flesh and blood, a perfect resemblance of me but my heart has closed for her. She means nothing to me.

All I care for now is my only love and our child. A child that will love me.

If she wishes to loathe me forever, then I will return the sentiment thousand times  worse.

To hell with her existence! I rather  slit my throat than call her my child!

She brings this upon herself. She deserves all this pain and suffering because she's the root of every agony I have to go through just to stay with my love, to be a father for her.

“I will not let that fucking brat harm our family any longer. I want her GONE and I will do it, whether you agree or not, (Y/n)!”

Call me the worst father to exist, then I will gladly declare her as the cruelest, most heartless daughter existed in this entire universe.

She wants me dead, she desires for me to be gone from her life.

Too bad for that immature child, she has no power to materialize her dream into reality.

She wishes to get rid of me, and God, how much I wish she was never born into this world!

That little devil is just a mistake. And I will get rid of her.

“I tried, I did my hardest to be a good father for her. But she will never love me, (Y/n). NEVER! YOU FUCKING HEARD ME?! THAT CHILD DESPISED ME!”

Gypsophila • Izana KurokawaWhere stories live. Discover now