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Next day,At a local hospital,Morning

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Next day,
At a local hospital,

Third Person's POV

Nurses prepared medications, and the rhythmic beeping of monitors created a background melody. Doctors conferred at the nurses' station while patients, wrapped in hospital gowns, started their day with tentative steps in the corridor. The scent of antiseptic lingered, and the quiet hum of activity filled the air as the hospital awakened to a new morning.

(Y/n) pushed open the door to a hospital wardroom, the subdued hum of medical equipment met her ears. The sterile scent of disinfectant hung in the air.

Holly lied in a crisp hospital bed, surrounded by white walls adorned with informational posters. (Y/n) approached the bed, where her precious employee and friend wore a pale blue hospital gown, surprisingly looking energetic.

With genuine concern remained in her eyes, (Y/n) greeted Holly, "Morning, Holly. How are you feeling?"

"I'm still a bit dizzy but overall, I'm in good shape, Madam." Holly cheerfully announced, cupping the side of her head, which was bandaged. Their conversation was punctuated by the occasional laughter that managed to bloom even in the confines of the hospital room.

Holly gestured to a chair, inviting her boss to sit. (Y/n) took a seat beside the bed, the plastic-covered chair crinkling softly as she settled in. A vase of flowers on the bedside table added a splash of color, contrasting with the monochrome hospital environment.

"Where is Hakuto? I thought he was the one looking after you."

"I insisted him to get breakfast because he kept refusing to leave me by myself."

"Oh, Hakuto."

Her soft chuckles erupted through the pure white room. (Y/n) leaned forward in the plastic chair, a glimmer of amusement in her eyes. Holly, in turn, smiled at her reaction, her cheeks flushing red from bashfulness.

"How are you doing? Is everything okay at the club?"

"I sorted out the issue. You don't have to worry about your shift. I'll be handling the bar tonight."

"You are operating...tonight? Wouldn't it be better if you close for a while?"

"I thought so too but as long as I'm present while business hour is ongoing, no issue will arise like yesterday."

(Y/n) fished her hand in a paper bag that she brought along. With a rustle of the paper bag, she revealed a freshly baked bun. Its warm aroma filled the air as she offered one to the patient. Holly's eyes light up with gratitude. She took the bun and had a small bite of it.

"How is Kana-chan? Please tell me she is unhurt."

"Hakuto told me what happened. You kept my daughter safe. Thank you, Holly, and I'm sorry on Kana's behalf. Had that she not lashed out at that customer.."

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