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(y/n)'s residence,Morning

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(y/n)'s residence,

Third Person's POV

Soft rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the scene. In the hushed stillness, the only sound was the rhythmic breathing belonged to (Y/n). Izana sat at the bedside, his fingers intertwined with hers, holding her delicate hand as if it were the most precious thing in the world.

His gaze was fixed on her face, her features softened in sleep, her breaths shallow and steady. Leaning in close, Izana pressed a loving kiss to the back of her hand, his lips lingering for a moment before he pulled back, his thumb caressing the skin.

Kana shuffled into the room, her expression clouded with a mixture of distaste and concern. She glanced at Izana, her eyes narrowing slightly before she continued on her path towards the bedside.

Ignoring the attention Izana was giving, Kana carried a glass of water to a nightstand nearby, her movements brisk yet purposeful. As she approached the bed where her (Y/n) lay, her gaze softened, her grumpy demeanor momentarily slipping away.

Setting the glass down on the nightstand, the teenage girl fixed her gaze on her mother's still form, her heart twisting with a pang of guilt. Seeing her mother lying there, unconscious and vulnerable, stirred a tumult of emotions within her.

For a moment, Kana forgot about the arguments, the rebellion. All that mattered in that moment was the woman who had brought her into this world, who had loved her unconditionally despite the difficulties that come with raising her.

With a heavy sigh, Kana reached out a trembling hand, brushing a strand of hair away from her (Y/n)'s pale face. "Get out, Kurokawa."

"And why should I do that?"

"I wanna be alone with Mom."

"You just wanna talk smack of me with her in her sleep."

"I'm not in the mood to joke."

"I'm staying."

"Stop being so darn stubborn!"

"Like father, like daughter, right?"

Kana tensed up as Izana pointed out the similarity she shared with him, a comparison she vehemently denied. She bristled at the notion, her features hardening with defiance as she shot him a sharp look. But Izana just chuckled softly, his smile gentle and understanding as he gazed at (Y/n). He reached out, his hand brushing lightly against her beautiful hair.

"You're more like me than you care to admit."


"I left behind such an adorable mini me."

"I rather look like Mom. You are ugly as shit."

"But I'm gorgeous."

"Who told you that? One of the whores you used as Mom's replacement?"

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