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(Y/n)'s hostess club,VVIP room,Nighttime

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(Y/n)'s hostess club,
VVIP room,

Third Person's POV

Soft golden light bathed the dimly lit VVIP private room, casting long shadows that danced along the walls. Izana, adorned in a tailored suit that spoke of wealth and authority, occupied the luxurious couch with his beloved ex-girlfriend, as well as the hostess he generously paid for to keep him company tonight; (Y/n).

His posture was relaxed yet commanding, one arm draped casually behind (Y/n)'s head, his fingers caressing her (h/c) hair as wisps of smoke curled lazily from the cigarette between his lips. His gaze, sharp and penetrating, bore into the empty wine glass before him. He just stared silently at the glass, and (Y/n) immediately took notice of it.

Due to her routine as hostess, (Y/n) reflexively grasped a red wine bottle, its crystal surface catching the light as she poured the rich, ruby-red liquid into the waiting glass.

Each drop fell with a soft murmur, a sound lost amidst the silence that hung between the two former lovers. (Y/n)'s movements were deliberate, her eyes downcast yet keenly aware of Izana's unwavering gaze upon her. She picked up the wine-filled glass and handed it over to her ex-boyfriend.


"I never asked for another glass of wine, mahal."

"W-Wait, you didn't want one? You were eyeing the glass so I thought.. Sorry for the assumption."

"Why the apology? You didn't do anything wrong."

"Still... I was so used to doing so without being told."

"...consequences of being in your line of work, huh?"

"Mhm, yes."

As (Y/n) responded to Izana with a casual ease, a flicker of jealousy ignited within his steely gaze, casting shadows across his otherwise composed features. Despite the simmering emotions within him, he maintained an outward facade of control, masking the intensity of his envy.

In a swift motion, he reached out, his fingers closing around the delicate curve of her chin, a silent demand for her attention. "Sit on my lap, now." With a commanding tone, he instructed her to abandon her current position.

"Izana, I..." (Y/N), acutely attuned to the shifting currents of power within the room, hesitated for a moment, her eyes flickering with apprehension. Reluctantly, she yielded to his command, positioning herself upon his lap.

"As always, you're my good girl.."

Izana's whispers, soft and enticing, greeted her ear. His husky chuckle resonated like a secret shared between them, a whisper of familiarity in the midst of their clandestine rendezvous. With each seductive word that fell from his lips, (Y/n) felt the warmth of his breath against her skin, igniting a blush that blossomed across her cheeks.

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