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Morning,Kana's bedroom

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Kana's bedroom..

Third Person's POV

Izana stood alone in his daughter's bedroom, the echoes of her hurried footsteps fading away. He let out a heavy sigh as he glanced around the room. His eyes wandered over the décor, taking in the sea of stuffed animals adorning shelves and beds, their soft features seemingly frozen in perpetual innocence.

"Brutal outside, but Barbie inside.. Even my little girl has such a cute side to her."

A soft chuckle escaped his lips, a fondness evident in the curve of his smile. Despite Kana's tough exterior, her room spoke volumes about the dichotomy of her personality. Purple hues mainly dominated the space, from the walls adorned with posters to the bedding that draped over the bed. It was a color that exuded a sense of regality, yet softened by the whimsical presence of plush companions.

Izana's eyes suddenly fell upon Kana's smartphone lying innocently on the floor. He reached down, his fingers curling around the sleek device, and with a quick flick, he powered it on. The screen illuminated, displaying Kana's array of apps and notifications, all within easy reach.

"No password at all. That's not really smart. Somebody's gonna discover all your secrets, Kana♡."

A smirk tugged at the corners of the yakuza's lips as he noted the lack of a password, a small detail that left the device vulnerable. With deft fingers, Izana navigated through Kana's phone, a sense of clandestine excitement building within him. He scrolled through her photos, her social media accounts, each tap and swipe fueling his curiosity. He couldn't help but marvel at the glimpse into his daughter's digital world, a realm that often remained hidden from parental view.

Not even (Y/n) had the opportunity to take a peek into her online life.

"Not really the type to expose herself online, I see."

As he delved deeper, Izana's smirk widened into a grin, a sense of amusement bubbling up inside him. An idea, perhaps a bit twisted, had been lurking in the recesses of his mind, and now it surfaced with renewed vigor. He found himself unable to resist the temptation to indulge in a little playful mischief.

'Oh.. I should do that.'

Izana swiftly entered his own phone number into Kana's device. With a quick tap, he initiated a call to his own number, watching as the screen lit up with the incoming call notification. A small smirk played on his lips as he waited for the call to connect.

As the call went through, his own phone buzzed in his pocket, confirming the success of his little scheme. With a satisfied grin, Izana ended the call on her phone. He navigated to the call history on Kana's phone, deleting any evidence of his mischief. The digital record of his actions vanished into the ether, leaving behind no trace of his intrusion.

'I have my baby girl's contact number!' A sense of contentment washed over Izana as he gazed at the now-clean call log, his smile widening with each passing second. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride at his own cleverness, reveling in the thrill of his immoral doing.

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