Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes to see the sun shining through my window, my alarm clock blaring in my ear and my Golden Retriever, Winston, laying on top of me.

I arose from my bed and shut off my alarm. 

"Thank god it's Friday", I said aloud. I was actually really tired and my friends and I were planning a very fun weekend at our favorite hangout Mako Island.

I walked to my bathroom and turned on the glass nob on my sink to let the water flow out of the faucet into the glass bowl and I brushed my teeth. Winston was looking at me the whole time that I was brushing my teeth.

"You look hungry, are you hungry boy?", I asked Winston. 

He nodded his head as if he could understand me and laid down on my blue and white tiled bathroom floor while I took a shower. The water was warm against my skin, and I enjoyed the water.

I love the water. I feel at home in it. When it crashes on the rocks on the beach I get a wonderful feeling. Sometimes I wonder if I belong in the water because of how I feel about it.

I washed my hair then turned off the water. I then headed over to my closet and tried to pick out what to wear. Winston and I walked up the stairs in my closet to where my school uniform was and I picked out a while polo, navy skirt, and a navy wool sweater with my school name stiched on it. I walked own the steps into where my shoes were and picked my favorite pair of flats. They were black and had rhinetones on the top and made a jingle sound whenever I took a step. 

Once I was dressed I walked out of my room and found Veronica, my Golden Retriever, and Buddy, my French Bulldog puppy. 

"Come on cuties, let's go have some breakfast", I said to my dogs.

I walked down to my kitchen and they followed. I gave them their breakfast first, then started on mine. I was so excited for today, not just because I was going to hang out with my friends, but that it was a half a day. While I was making my breakfast, which was blueberry pancakes, Buddy was on top of the stone counter looking at me and eating his breakfast.

After I finished my breakfast I washed my plate and put water in bowls for the dogs if they got thirsty while I was gone. Just as I was going to pick up my black L.L. Bean school bag, the door bell rang. 

I walked over to the door and answered it seeing that it was my friends, Mackenzie, Sarah, Kayle, Skylaa, Eli, Rose, Dylan A., Dylan M. and my boyfriend Jorge.

"Morning babe ready to go?" said Jorge as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Did you all have to come? I don't think that I have enough room in my car," I said to my group of friends.

"It's ok, I brought mine," Eli responded.

"Oh, okay. Well, shall we go? We may be late," this time it was me that spoke.

"Don't worry we have at least and hour and a half, lets drive slow today," said Dylan M.

"Good idea! We could talk about what we are going to do at Mako later," spoke Kayle.

"Sounds good," Sarah acknowledged.

We all walked out to my drive-way and got into the two cars available. My parents were already at work, so their cars weren't there. Mackenzie, Kayle, Jorge, Skylaa, and I got into my car while Dylan M., Dylan A., Sarah, Rose and Eli went into Eli's car.

On the drive to school everybody in my car was talking about what we were going to do at Mako. Jorge kept on being romantic with me and he was whispering things into my ear about us wandering off alone in the island to talk and spend time with each other.


After the school day was over everybody went back to my house and we packed what we needed. Jorge and Dylan A. were kind enough to let us use their boats to go to the island, so we packed all of our stuff in and left. 

During the boat ride there, we all relaxed and just talked about random things. The smell of the ocean filled my nose and filled me with happiness. I can tell I was already going to enjoy this weekend.

Once we arrived at the island we all unpacked and set up our camp ground. After we were all set up we decided to go and walk around the island.

There were tall palm trees and bushes everywhere, but we managed. The island was very beatiful with its waterfalls and beaches. Plus the sunrise and sunset view on the island is just perfect for any time.

After a while we came apon a rocky waterfall and we started to walk on top of the stone. After a while of plain fooling around, I fell into a hole that was concealed in the rocks.

"Where did Michelle go?" I heard Jorge ask from above the hole.

"I'm down here," the words echoed off of the walls of the hole and the mysterious cave I was in. 

Everyone in the group crowed around the hole to see me sitting on the bottom.

"Are you alright?" Jorge asked me.

I stood up and brushed the sand off of my clothes. "Yes I'm fine, but don't come down and get tr-," was all I got to say until I say everybody coming down the hole one by one. "What the heck, why did you come down?!"

"We wanted to see inside," Skylaa said to me.

"Well, since were down here we may as well find a way out of here," I said to everybody.

"Alright," said everybody in unison.

We all stood up and walked up a set of stone stairs into a cave like place. 

Dylan M. being as dumb as he is, not really he just asks dumb questions sometimes, asked,"This is a volcano right? Is it going to erupt?"

"No, it has been dormant for over 500 years," I told him in reassurance.

"Oh, ok," he responded.

The first thing that I noticed was a pool of water in the dormant volcano.

"Do you know anyway to get out of here?" Sarah asked the group.

"How about we swim," I stated.

"Swim?!?!," everybody looked at me as if I had four heads.

"Yah, why not? Clearly the pool leads to the ocean." I took of my shoes and for the first time felt the grains of the sand on the floor going through my toes. It felt so good. "I'll show you".

"Michelle don't g-," was all I heard Jorge say until I jumped into the water.

It took me a second to find a way out, and then I did. I saw the coral reefs and the fishes swimming around. I swam back to see everybody looking worried. "Guys, its ok I just found the way out."

Everybody looked at each other then jumped into the pool. Jorge grabbed my shoes and just as we were all going to swim out the full moon rose over the moon pool.

The pool bubbled up, particles rose from the water and surrounded us. We all stared with amazement at what was going on and then we all took a deep breath and swam out of the pool back to our camp site.

The Life of the Ocean {The Magic Blood Trilogy 1}Where stories live. Discover now