Chapter 7

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"Hey," I said to him.

He just sat there with his mouth open.

"Your going to catch flies if you keep it open," I said slowly and weakly to him.

He immediately closed his mouth and I saw a smile emerge from his face.

"How.. are you awake?" Jorge asked me.

"There's this thing called opening your eyes, you should try it sometime," I told him.

He laughed.

"Ive missed you so much," Jorge spoke.

"I know you did," I paused and took a deep breath. Then I spoke weakly," I've missed you too."

Jorge stood up and sat next to me on my bed. Being able to actually feel his heat next to me was very settling.

"Do you want the others to know your awake?" Jorge asked me while looking into my eyes.

"No not yet. I just want to spend some time alone with you," I told him.

He rested my head on his lap, and I looked up at him. His brown eyes were staring right into me. Like he understood me completely.

"How did it feel being not able to communicate?" Jorge asked me.

I thought for a second and then I spoke.

"It totally," I paused and took a breath," sucked like a lot."

Jorge laughed. I've really missed seeing his smile.

"Hey, want to go see everyone else?" Jorge asked me.

"Sure," I replied.

Jorge got up off of my bed and offered me his hand. I took it and stood up.

"Are you okay to walk on your own do you think?" Jorge questioned me.

"Yah," I lied.

He let go of me and I started to make my way to my door. Then as I reached my door I started to feel weak and I began to fall, except I did not.

Jorge had caught me and was now carrying me bridal style down the stairs to the living room where all of my friends were.

Once I got downstairs everybody was standing up talking about me. Dylan and Chris did not look so good.

"I hope she wakes up," Chris said between sobs.

"It'll be okay," Mackenzie comforted.

"I hope. She should have woken up last week when we brought her to the moon pool. I just miss her a lot," Chris stated.

Then Jorge entered the room when Chris started to bawl. I felt really bad for him. They didn't seem to notice until Jorge spoke.

"Look who decided to wake up guys!" Jorge boomed.

Everybody jumped and looked over in his direction.

Then they all ran to me. My best friend, Mackenzie, was the first person to reach me.

"Oh my god girl! I have missed you too much. Where have you been?! Just kidding," Mackenzie said to me. She leaned in closer so that only I could hear her. "You know that Chris has cried more than all of us down here? Well, except for Jorge. Crazy right?"

I guess. I never knew that. Even now while everybody was talking to me and seeing how I was, I was cradled in Jorge's arms and I could hear a soft sound outside.

It was Chris.

He was on the beach where we would usually sit and talk while the sun settled.

The Life of the Ocean {The Magic Blood Trilogy 1}Where stories live. Discover now