Chapter 3

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Once I got to the moon pool I started to ball out crying. Even though I did not hear the whole argument, I knew what Jorge was going to say to him.

"How could you! You knew that I was dating her and you just went and did that! You had no right to do any of t-" I cried and cried. 

Why do they have to fight?

I pulled myself out of the moon pool and dried off. I then sat on the sand and cried even more. I just would like to know why boys had to be like this. Just then I saw bubbles in the pool and two figures.

It was Jorge and Dylan.

"Michelle were sorry, we didn-," was all Jorge said until I cut in.

"You know what enough! You two just can't hold yourself together! I just don't understand why you have to argue!" I shouted at them both.

They both pulled themselves out of the water and dried up their tails. The whole time I did not look at them and I tried to hold in my tears. It didn't work.

"Michelle just hear us out, please!" Dylan stated. 

"No, I will not," and I jumped into the water and swam all the way home. Just before I left I saw Jorge break into tears.


I laid on my bed crying for over ten minutes, until I heard a knock on the door.

"Who ever it is, just go away!" I shouted through my sobs.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk to us. You know Skylaa, Kayle and I could cheer you up," said my friend Mackenzie as she walked into my room.

"Oh well it's ok for you to be here. You guys are the best," I stated.

"I brought you your favorite book, you know City of Bones," said Kalie coming over to sit next to me on my bed.

She handed the book to me and I hugged it.


"So now, tell me why you are crying," Skylaa asked me.

"Well, downstairs in the kitchen earlier Dylan admitted his feelings for me and kissed me. Jorge came in and pulled me away from him and started to argue with him. I started crying and swam to Mako and would not stop crying even when I got there. After a bit Jorge and Dylan came in -," was all I got to say until I saw Dylan and Jorge walk through my bedroom door.

I tried to run, but Jorge grabbed my arm. He spun me into a kiss. I pushed away and backed up.

"You think kissing me will fix the situation at hand!? You have to calm down, you just don't know how to control yourself, both of you don't," I told Dylan and Jorge.

"Michelle just please hear us out," this came from Dylan.

"Why should I?" I looked at Dylan.

"Because Michelle, I knew all this time that Dylan liked you. He told me before I asked you out. He's wanted you ever since you two were little. I got mad at him because he just went and did that," Jorge explained.

"Well that sounds sweet that he liked me, but since that happened I don't want the likings of either of you,"

I said and I stormed out again. This time, Kayle followed me to Mako.

"Michelle, you didn't need to go off like that," Kayle told me as we reached the moon pool.

"I know, but I just can't seem to get over this. Like come on I just broke up with the dude that I really love on our anniversary, and I just found out that my best friend, that have known forever, had a crush on me. I just can't handle this," I told her in a shaky voice. (Quick author's note: I actually cried a bit writing this chapter)

"Come on Michelle don't cry, you're too pretty to cry," Kayle told me.

"Thanks. Hey, let's get out," I asked her.


So we both heaved ourselves out of the pool and started to talk on top of the sand. Just then I saw bubbles forming in the pool. People were coming.



My friends Skylaa and Mackenzie.

"Were so sorry, we tried to keep them away," they both told me.

"It's ok," I told them.

They all got out of the water and dried their tails.

I started to tear up. Jorge noticed it when he finished drying his tail.

He stood up and walked over to me.

"Come on princess, you know your too pretty to cry. Come on show me that pretty smile. Come on," He told me.

I looked up and him and started to smile.

"There it is," He said. He came down for a kiss, and I kissed back.

I pulled away after a while.

"You know I love you right, and I would never let anything happen to you," Jorge said to me.

"I know and I love you too," I told him while looking straight into his beautiful brown eyes. The same shade as mine. And I rustled his black hair. He touched my brown ponytail and I smiled.

"Now let's all makeup, starting with you two," said Skylaa pointing to Dylan and I.

"Yah, come on. We'll leave you alone to 'make up'," Jorge told me and made a kissing face and looked at Dylan. I knew what that meant. 

Dylan is going to kiss me and he's ok with it.

They all jumped into the pool and left Dylan and I alone.

"I'm sorry for all the running away today," I told him, "I feel really bad that I did not know that you had feelings for me all this time."

"It's ok, it happens."

He then came closer to me and kissed me. Immediately I kissed back.

He smiled.

It felt like we kissed for ages, until I heard clapping and whistling coming from the moon pool.

Everybody came back in and was happy. We stopped kissing and looked at them in embarrassment. Well, at least I did.

"Ok, now thats enough children," Jorge said, "now I'll show you how a man does it! Just kidding." 

But he looked at me and told me to come near him and I did. He puled me into the moon pool and at the bottom we started to kiss. Each others hands in our hair. Our tails twining. We the came above and broke away.

"Come on guys lets go back," said to everybody.

So everybody jumped into the pool and we swam back to my place. We swam slow and the whole time Jorge and I held hands. We stopped in the reefs, Jorge and I. Kayle looked back and I looked at her saying 'just go on we'll be fine'. She nodded and continued to swim.

Jorge and I swam in the reefs, playing with dolphins and hiding in the reefs. Right before we got out onto my dock at my house. He pulled me close and kissed me again. Once again his hands intertwined in my hair and his tail twirled around mine. We held on to each others arm. 

We came up and dried our tails and we went back inside only to find everybody talking worrily.


Hey Guys, sorry for not updating for a while. Hey question: What do you think everybody is talking about? Leave a comment below and don't forget to vote. Also leave a comment if you think I should start doing updates on a schedule (like every Saturday). See you next chapter!


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