Chapter 4

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"Hey guys what's up?" I asked everybody.

They turned to look at Jorge and I.

"It's Dylan," Skylaa told me.

"What happened to Dylan?" I questioned.

"He kind of ran out like he was in a trance," Kayle told me.

I let go of Jorge's hand. "What do you mean that he walked out like in a trance?"

Kayle started saying," well, he went to close the blinds because of the full moon and while going to close the blinds he must've looked at the moon and walked out of the room." Kayle paused. "he walked right past you both, how did you not see him?"

I looked at her in the eyes. "we were speed walking into the house so we didn't see the mo-" I froze. I did see Dylan walk past me and jump into the water off of my port. "Guys, we have to go and save Dylan!"

"But Michelle the moon!" Skylaa stated.

"I don't care we have to save him." I said to everybody.

"Michelle, no!" This came from Jorge.

He picked up a glass of water from my coffee table and threw it at me. For some reason I thought that by putting my hand up would stop the water, but instead of the water hitting me and me falling on the floor with my tail, I froze it.

Everybody looked shocked. I clenched my fist and the frozen water turned back into regular water. It splashed me and I had my tail.

"Um, what did I just see?" Mackenzie questioned.

"I don't know, but I'm going to get Michelle a towel." said Jorge.

"Jorge you don't need to get me a towel, I have an idea," I told Jorge.

I placed my hand over my tail and slowly clenched it into a fist and water started to evaporate from my tail. In just a few seconds, my tail had disappeared and I was back on my legs. "Now come on let's go and look for Dylan," I told everyone.

"Michelle, wait. What about the moon?" Jorge told me.

"I don't care we have to save Dylan, we can't just leave him," I told Jorge.

He gave me a worried look.

"Jorge, don't worry. I choose you instead of Dylan, I won't let anything get between us, ok?" I said.

"Ok, let's go." Jorge responded.

So first Mackenzie walked outside and she got moonstruck.

"Michelle, I'm not too sure about this," Jorge told me.

"Don't worry I'll be fine," I told Jorge and I kissed him on the lips. "Here take my bracelet, I found it on the bottom of the moon pool, so I'm always next to you."

"Thanks." Jorge saidwhilesliding my bracelet onto his right wrist.

So Jorge, Kayle, Skylaa, and I all walk outside. We all looked up at the moon and Skylaa and Kayle both got moon struck and started to swim to Mako. Jorge and I just stood there staring at the moon.

"Come on we need to go and get Dylan," Jorge told me with regret.

I stopped looking at the moon (don't worry I didn't get moonstruck neither did Jorge), "ok let's go," I said.

So we both ran to the ocean water, (Michelle's house is a beach house, so she walks through a gate and runs in the sand into the water. She also has a port near her house where her friends and parents park their boats) and swam as fast as we both could to Mako.

After a couple of minutes we arrived at Mako and we saw Dylan, Kalie, Skylaa, and Mackenzie were all standing on the sand staring up at the moon waiting for it to pass over.

Jorge and I pulled ourselves out of the moon pool and dried our tails with our new found powers. But here's one thing, there's one more power that I purposely did not mention because I wanted to wait and see if it would help with Dylan, Skylaa, Mackenzie, and Kayle.

"You guys should not be here, leave now," Dylan told Jorge and I.

"No, we are not leaving with out any of you guys." I shouted back at Dylan.

"Ok then, we'll make you leave" Mackenzie stated.

They all looked up at the moon and jumped into the moon pool. Jorge and I tried to run after them, but we were unable to stop them. They all continued to look up at the moon and they rose up their hands. Each of them gave off a power and started to create a storm over Mako Island.

"Guys stop, you're going to hurt someone!" I shouted over all of the noise.

But they did not stop, they all continued to stare up at the moon. After a couple of seconds, they looked at us and they brought their hands down and started to raise Jorge up into the air!

"Guys stop!" I shouted, but they didn't even glimpse at me.

From raising up Jorge, he became moon struck. The closer to the moon he got, he was more indulged into the moon's face.

I told myself. Oh, I know!

So I proceeded to use my 'secret' power. I rose my hand and clenched my hand into a fist and let my thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger stick out.

I moved my hand and faced the moon pool. I felt Jorge in my hands and glided him down to the moon pool with the others.

I walked closer to the moon pool and looked into the eyes of everybody. And then I spoke.

"Come on guys, forget about the moon and come out of the water."

Then immediately everybody came out of the moon pool and dried up their tails.

Suddenly a huge gush of wind came up from the water and took my necklace off. I was going to jump into the water when I saw that Jorge had already went to go and get it.

He transformed into his merman self. Once he got my necklace he was unable to get out. It was as if he was stuck to the water and he could not get out. My friends jumped into the water with their tails popping everywhere and tried to get him out. They even tried to use their powers, but he was truly stuck, so I spoke a spell.

"We seem to be in some trouble so get my boyfriend out of the stubble!", I said.

Nothing happened.

"Michelle it is not going to work", said my friend Mackenzie.

"Shut up Mackenzie, it will work", I responded to her comment that I found quite rude.

"HELP ME!!!", said my boyfriend still stuck in the water.

I spoke the spell again.


I immediately fell to the ground.

I heard something get out of the water and slide up to the sand.

I heard voices around me trying to speak to me, but I could not make what they were trying to say.

I felt my boyfriends lips touch mine and I was trying to kiss back because I loved him so much, but I was unable to do it.

Then everything went black.

The last thing I remember was someone asking if they could take my locket off of my neck.


Sorry for not updating in a while guys. Hey question: why do you think Michelle collapsed? Leave a comment below with you answer and don't forget to vote! See you soon! :)


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