Chapter 12

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Previously on The Life of the Ocean

Michelle's Perspective: "Okay," I sniffled,"lets do this shit!"

Jorge's Perspective: My next target: Dylan.

Chapter 12

So we got to work.

First we collect all of our things (which was not much) and we packed it onto Nathan's boat.

The whole time we were putting things on his boat Dylan kept on being cautious about something, but he kept on trying to make the best of the situation by dropping really bad puns very now and then.

Before we were going to the leave Mako Skylaa realized something.

"Um, guys. Are we going to take Chris with us?" she questioned us.

We all loved at each other.

"Of course we are! Come on Michelle I'll help you put him in the boat!" Mackenzie tried to say with as much enthusiasm as she could.

She's even worst then I am. They are so close. She's been delisted because of the crush she has on him.

"Okay," I said back in a low voice.

We both walked over to his body and picked up one arm each. Me on the right and her on the left.

Once we picked Chris up his head tilted to the left and I saw something shocking.

I dropped the arm I was holding.


Everyone ran over to Mackenzie and I and they asked me what was up.

All I did was look and point at Chris's neck.

Everyone held their hands up to their mouths in a sign of shock.

"A... vampire did this..?" Nathan said is small phrases.

"Not just any vampire," I said taking the locket that was intertwined in Chris's hands earlier. "A vampire hunter."

Everyone just stared.

"Ho- how do you know?" Dylan asked me.

"This necklace," i handed it to him so he could inspect it." Is from a long line of Vampire Hunters that still exist today."

"But how do you know?" Skylaa asked.

"Oh trust me we know," Nathan respond.

"Oh yah," I responded.

"What do you guys mean?"

"Long ago like I don't a couple million? Michelle and I were walking in a village looking for some delicious blood dinner and suddenly we heard screams. We followed the sound and discover it was the scream of villagers being chased by vampires, then we saw the bushes rustle. In ht bushes was a hunter, and wit was no ordinary hunter it was a Vampire Hunter and an ancient line at that. He came out and took out wooden stakes and stabbed the vampire eating the villager through the heart. Then he turned to us," Nathan started.

"Yah, he turned to us and asked us why were were still standing there and not running away like the other villagers. We told him that we thought we could somehow get the vampire to leave the villager alone, but he tensed up. He rose his wooden state and aimed one each at our hearts, but we threw up our hands and grabbed his writs. He was surprised that we held a strong grip on him. The he made some weird sound that hurt some of the villagers ears and more hunters appeared. They staked to villagers that were screaming. Then we found out that they were vampires too. Then the others turned to us and ran towards us with stakes. Nathan and I's instinct? Run," I said.

The Life of the Ocean {The Magic Blood Trilogy 1}Where stories live. Discover now