Chapter 10

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Previously on The Life of the Ocean

After a few minutes Skylaa and Nathan were drained of their magic and fell to their knees. When it was just me left, Jorge stopped throwing spells and came closer to me.

"Are you alright?"Jorge asked me while taking my hand.

I jerked my hand away from his. "I will be," I responded.

Jorge had a confused look on his face.

I never would of thought I would of had to do this, but it needs to be done.

"Jorge, I'm sorry," I said while removing the necklace he gave to me for our two year anniversary couple of weeks ago. I placed the necklace into the palm of his hand and closed it. Jorge looked up at me and started to tear up. "But we're through."

Jorge dropped to the ground, a tear falling down his right cheek onto the hardwood floor of my bedroom.

Chapter 10

Jorge continued to cry on my bedroom floor from me breaking up with him. My necklace was held tight in his hands and a pool of tears was starting to form around him.

I stepped outside and sat down on a chair by the pool.

Nathan came outside after a couple of minutes.

"So that," Nathan started.

"I know what you're going to say, rude." I responded.

"No," Nathan said," I was going to sat that it was cool! You were so brave when you stood up to him and said 'but were breaking up'! You are awesome!"Nathan droned on and on.

"Really, thanks," I said.

"Hey, no problem sister!" Nathan said.

(Nathan and I have know each other for a long time so we now are like family to each other.)

After a couple of minutes Skylaa, Mackenzie, Dylan and Chris came outside.

"Wow he's still in there crying. You really did some shit to him Michelle." said Dylan.

"Yah I know, but it was for the best. After all that has happened lately it would be good for us to take a break from each other." I said back to Dylan.

"I agree, I think it's a good thing you and Jorge took a break. He could be a really douche a lot of the time." spoke Skylaa.

I nodded my head.

"So what do you guys want to do now?" questioned Mackenzie.

"How about we go to Mako for a bit to celebrate this break-up!" said Chris.

"Sure, lets go!" I said.

So we all swam to Mako. (Well except for Nathan, he lost his tail thanks to Jorge being a douche during a full moon. Now Nathan takes his boat to Mako.) We ran around the island, told stupid and pointless jokes and relaxed on the beach and looked up at the stars. We spent the night at Mako while I had not seen Jorge the whole time.

I wonder what happened to him.

Jorge's Perspective

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