Chapter 6

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Skip time till Friday

"Finally its Friday! Michelle's going to wake up!" I heard Dylan shout.

"Dude calm down, we still have to wait till nightfall to wake her up," Jorge commented.

"Oh right, but still I'm excited to see her. Aren't you Jorge? She's your girlfriend after all." Dylan questioned.

Jorge really did want to see me. For the past two days he had been watching me day and night. This morning was that only time that Mackenzie, Skylaa, and Kayle were actually able to drag him out and tell him to get some rest. He told me that he was going to say simple answers, if not he would burst out in tears.

"Yah, sure." Jorge answered to Dylan.

"You sure your alright Jorge? You don't look too good," Skylaa asked him.

"Yah I'm fine, I just can't wait to get to see Michelle again." Jorge responded.

"Ok," Skylaa said.

It was nightfall and it was time to take me to Mako.

Jorge walked upstairs and picked me up and brought me to Dylan's boat.

Throughout the boat ride to Mako, Jorge kept me cradled in his arms with his jacket over my shoulders.

Once we arrived at Mako, Jorge got out of the boat and carried me along the island and into the moon pool cave.

Everybody else swam in and got out and dried their tails.

The full moon pulled over the dormant volcano.

"Lets do this thing," Jorge said.

So it was settled. Jorge carried me into the water and waited for the moon to be fully over the cave and for the lunar eclipse to start.

The water started to bubble and particles rose from the water.

Jorge's nose brushed mine and he kissed my lips.


I was going to wake up tod-

Wait what!?

"Guys it's not working," Jorge stated.

"Give it a second, maybe it needs a second," Kayle said.

They all stood for a good 30 seconds.

"Guys is not working!," Jorge shouted.

No, No, NO! I'm supposed to wake right now! Why am I not awake, and in Jorge's arms!

Jorge kissed me over and over again until the lunar eclipse went away and the moon pool was back to normal.

"She supposed to be awake right now, I don't understand this at all," Skylaa stated.

"Guys its been a long day, why don't we go home and relax, and maybe she'll come around," Dylan said.

"What if she doesn't!" Jorge shouted once again.

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